Chapter 33

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Nick's POV

After spending time out in the field with the little black demon Mallory named Taz who was starting to act like his father and was slowly becoming as wild as his owner which meant there would be three of them now, Mallory and I were on our way back to the barn. We reach the door and Mallory stops I notice her body goes stiff I look up and see why Kevin's girlfriend Judy was in the barn with Diablo and I knew the shit was about to hit the fan I go to grab Mal but I'm not fast enough to catch her. I always carried a gun with me in case we came up on a snake or one of the larger predators that could easily take down our cows or one of the horses Mallory grabs the gun out of the holster at my side then walks over to Judy and pulls the hammer back and I knew the gun is ready to fire all Mal had to do was pull the trigger. "If you ever come near my horse again I'll shoot you and not think twice." I knew that Mal meant every word she was saying and that she would go through with it.

Mallory's POV

I storm out of the barn in the search of one person and one person only and that person was Kevin Nick is following behind me "Mal come on just take a deep breath and let's talk about this." Normally I would listen because Nick was the only person who could calm me down but right now I was past being calmed down. Finally, I find Kevin I walk over to him then grab him by this throat and tighten my grip Nick steps up next to me and Kevin starts coughing as my grip gets even tighter "Mal what are you doing?" I look up at Kevin then meet his eyes "I'm warning you now if your girlfriend ever goes near my horse again I'll shoot her she doesn't belong on this ranch so if you don't tell her to leave today I'm going to fire you." I loosen my grip on his throat then turn and walk away Nick doesn't say anything or try to calm me down but he walks next to me and gives my hand a squeeze letting me know he's there if I need him.

Stacey's POV

I look at my two younger sisters sitting in front of me on different ends of the table and I let out a sigh at how they are acting they weren't speaking to each other Vanessa moving in with AJ really changed Mallory, her and Vanessa had always been close to each other. I look at the two of them "Our cousin Jasmine is getting married she's invited us to her wedding I told her we would be there and yes you can bring a date with you." They both sit up and look at me Mallory sighs none of us really liked our cousin Jasmine but we were going to her wedding since she was family Vanessa looks at me "When is the wedding?" "It's on Friday the wedding starts at seven." They both nod which really didn't count as an answer "I need a yes or a no from the two of you." "AJ and I will be there Stac I promise." Mallory gets out of her seat "I'll go." Then she walks out of the room Friday night was going to be interesting at the wedding especially when Kevin saw Vanessa show up with AJ as her date.

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