Chapter 25

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Vanessa's POV

I can't believe Kevin said that I thought he was a really good guy and that we had something for each other I walk in my room and slam the door shut behind me. I walk over and sit down on my bed and stare at the wall then I remember I have my phone in my pocket I pull it out find Mark's number then call it a few minutes later Mark answers the phone "Hi Vanessa how can I help you?" "I need to talk to AJ." "Okay I'll get him." I wait for a few minutes then AJ answers the phone "Hi it's me what's up baby?" I feel a tingling on my body when he calls me that "I really enjoyed meeting you earlier today and I was wondering if you would like to go out?"


I definitely had fun talking with Vanessa earlier she was hot her shorts did great things for her long legs and her body had all of the right things in all of the right places but I was very surprised that she was asking me out. When it came to getting dates I was used to chasing women and being the one to ask them out this girl was a lot different from the ones I usually dated but I was going to have a good time with this one that's for sure. "Yeah baby I'll take you out Thursday night I'll treat you right and we will have a great time together." Her voices changes to a sultry purr "I'll see you then AJ." she hangs up and I know already that the two of us are going to have a lot of fun together.

Kevin's POV

I should never have said the things I did to Vanessa I was mad and jealous I lost my temper I take a deep breath then walk in our room and see her sitting on the bed with her back toward me I hope she will forgive me. I walk over and she looks up at me and I start apologizing "I'm so sorry for what I said earlier I didn't mean any of it I really hope this doesn't change anything between us will you forgive me?" She doesn't say anything for a few minutes so maybe she is thinking about forgiving me but the next words she says rips a huge hole in my chest "I think you should move back into the bunkhouse." I wasn't expecting that and it hurt really bad and the part that broke my heart the part that hurt most was she didn't want to take me back or give us another chance to be together.

Nick's POV

I don't know what went down between Kevin and Vanessa but it ended up with him being back in the bunk house and also with him being a thorn in everyone's side and it was starting to piss me off. Howie, Kevin, and I are all moving bales of hay into the barn for the cows and horses I pick up a bale add toss it into the growing pile then wipe the sweat off my face. "Hey Kev we've been doing this for a few hours let's take a break and get some water or something." He walks over grabs my shirt then slams me into the wall "you can have water when we're finished." He lets go of my shirt tosses a bale of hay onto the pile then storms out of the barn.

Howie's POV

I see Kevin throw Nick into the wall we had been friends for years and I had never seen him do anything like that I drop the bale of hay I'm holding then follow Kevin out of the barn. I grab his shoulder and he looks at me I look back at him "Kevin what is your problem man you've been an ass to everyone for several days you just need to calm down!!!!" Kevin gives me a hard push out of the way and I stumble back a few steps he glares at me "Shut up and leave me alone Dorough." He turns around and starts walking off leaving Nick and I standing outside the barn.

Mallory's POV

I finish washing the dishes and start putting them away I look up as Vanessa walks through the kitchen I close one of the cabinets and accidentally brush up against her as I'm walking away. She stops then turns around and looks at me "what's your problem can you not at least try to watch where you are going?" I roll my eyes as she walks away I don't know what happened between her and Kevin whatever it was I hope they were going to be able to fix it because moody Vanessa was definitely starting to piss me off.

Stacey's POV

I walk upstairs and go to Vanessa's room she wasn't acting like herself I wanted to see what was bothering her I go to open the door but stop when I hear her talking. "I'll see you then AJ." So that's what happened something made her and Kevin break up and now she was going to go on a date with AJ I really hope she knew what she was doing. If Kevin knew about her date things were going to get a whole lot worse and I didn't want to be around when he did find out.

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