Funny Stuffs (25)

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I hate it when teachers don't let you go to the bathroom because "too many people went already". Like cool for them bro, but none of those people are me and our bladders aren't connected so just because they went already doesn't mean I don't have to go anymore.


K, I realize that this one is weird, but its also pretty true. Also, this update was kinda rushed for me cuz THIS HAS LIKE OVER 400 READS AND ITS AT HUMOR #700 SOMETHING AND IM LIKE FREAKIN OUT CUZ IM LIKE HAPPY AND WANTED TO UPDATE AS SOON AS I COULD. I didnt check my wattpad for like 2 whole days cuz ive been busy with school and sports and such, so thats why this is a tad late. :)

Anywaysers, i'll be changing the updating requirements cuz both votes and comments arent really workin out, so the comments r not required. It will just be votes, but there will be a higher bar being set. :)

Okays, I want:

85 votes for the next update!

Yes, it's more than usual, but that was the idea. :) and just to clarify, i dont mean 85 more votes, I mean 85 total votes.

That will be all.


- lili xx

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