Chapter thirteen - Laying her to rest

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Chapter Thirteen - Laying her to rest

Athena's POV

"Can I talk to you?" Jeremy asked leaning against the bedroom door, today Kayden and I are moving our things into our new house.

I set the boxes down by the door, I pushed the chair towards Jeremy and I sat down on my bed.

Jeremy sat down and ran his hands through his hair; it took Jeremy a while to finally say what he wanted to say to me.

"What was our mum like?" I was surprised by his question, I told Jeremy how our mum was the greatest woman.

She was kind, loving and a great woman. She always protected me from everything, there would be nights where I'd get in trouble and mum would keep it to her self so dad wouldn't hit me.

"You know what sucks" I said to Jeremy, he looked at me and shook his head.

When our mother died, my father buried her body deep into the forest so I never got to say goodbye to her, we didn't get to have a funeral for her.

"She never got a funeral?" Jeremy growled and I nodded wiping the tears that managed to fall from my eyes, it always broke my heart not to know that my loving mother never got a funeral.

"Do you think we could maybe have a little get together at the beach and set a candle out to sea for her?"

Mum always liked to take me to the beach, I haven't been so a beach since she died.

I remember the house used to smell of vanilla scented candles, mum she used to collect candles. She used to love it when I brought her new candles for her birthday or mothers day, every night before bed time she used to light a candle in my room and read me a bed time story and when I would fall asleep she would blow it out.

"Yeah we will, have you got a picture of her?" he asked and I nodded, I moved to the desk to my left and pulled out a little box, it had pictures of her in it.

I handed Jeremy a picture of our mother, he smiled and looked up at me.

"You look like her," he told me and I smiled.

Jeremy, Whitney and the twins and Kayden and I gathered at the beach, Jeremy gave a speech, which brought tears to my eyes.

Whitney had tears in her eyes as she watched her mate pour out his feelings towards his mother he never got to meet; Jeremy lit his candle and set it out into the ocean, the water was calm and flat which meant that the candle could go out into the ocean without being put out.

I took a deep breath; it's my turn to say a speech.

"Katharine Pierce, my beautiful loving mother. Today we lay you to rest, my childhood with you was the best childhood a child could ask for.

I know I shouldn't blame myself for what happened to you, but now I know why you died; you died to protect me and I thank you mum.

I remember your beautiful smile, the way your black hair was always straight and how you smelt like Vanilla.

I miss your cuddles, I miss your kisses, and I miss the way you used to tell me that I was your princess.

Nobody can fill your place mum; I wish you were here today. You'd be proud of me, I pulled through so much and I couldn't have done it without your memories nor could I have done it without my brother Jeremy and his beautiful mate Whitney but last but not lest I couldn't have made it through this without my mate Kayden.

I thank you for everything mama, today we lay you to rest peacefully; to the moon and back" when I finished my speech, I had tears flowing out of my eyes.

I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of me, I lit my candle and set it out in the ocean.

I turned back to Jeremy, Whitney and Kayden they all had tears in their eyes.

"That was beautiful" they all said to me, I wiped my tears away Jeremy came towards me and hugged me.

"I'm glad you came into my life sis" he whispered into my hair, I have him one last squeeze

"you're stunning" Whitney told me and hugged me, I came to Kayden he placed a soft kiss on my lips and said

"You are the reason for my happiness" I turned towards the ocean and whispered.

"Rest easy mum, I love you"


*Cries* it's almost over, this story has a few more chapters left! i'm excited but yet heartbroken. This story has been out for a while now, i think nearly a year? but i hope y'all like this chapter it's pretty sad!

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