Chapter Twelve - The Fight

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A/N: Hey guys, this chapter is shit and short but i needed to write this chapter. i know the whole fight scene is crap and all but i can't write a fight scene for shit. Please forgive me, i am truly sorry about how shitty this chapter is!!

Chapter Twelve - The Fight

Athena's POV

Today was the day, the day my father was coming for me. When trained day and night for this, I was the missing link to the pack. I was the born chosen one, my mother died protecting me from those whom wanted to use me. The pack was all lined up ready to fight, I saw my father on the other side of the pack grounds.

He was looking straight at me, I smirked at him as I twirled my hand causing the wind to pick up I pushed it towards him and his warriors. While they were distracted the pack took off and went to battle, I stomped my foot causing the ground to break open.

I watched as Kayden slammed into someone causing them to scream and fall down the break in the earth, I watched as the pack ripped vampires heads off with their mouths. My father came running towards me, I ran toward and morphed into my wolf in mid air.

I growled at him, I grabbed into his arm locking my jaw around his arm. He yelled out in pain, I ripped myself away from him tear a chuck of his arm. Jeremy and Kayden grabbed my fathers arms and pinned them down with their mouths, I morphed back into my human self.

"you done this to me, years and year of physical abuse you fucking monster!" I screamed, I wasn't sure if my father was a vampire but I grabbed the wooden plank besides me. I shoved it through his heart, my angry took over myself and his body caught on fire. I watched as his body turned to ashes, I felt nothing towards him. He was a cool blooded disgrace to this family, I looked around to see blood, blood every where.

Everyone was dead, nobody from the pack had died but they all were covered in think blood.

'We did it' my wolf whispered, we did do it we killed the man that hurt us all these years and blamed is for mums death. The pack cleared out and Kayden and I too off in our wolf form, we ran to our secret waterfall.


I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled his neck. I pulled away from him and dove into the river, I surfaced to see Kayden standing there watching me.

I love Kayden, he is the first person I've ever loved. The first person I've ever given myself to romantically and the only person I've ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with, he was mine and only mine.

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