Chapter Ten - The Birthing

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Chapter Ten - The Boss

Athena's POV

"Whitney's gone into labor" Jeremy yelled at the foot of my bed,

"What?" I said alerted, Jeremy ran out of the room once he heard Whitney scream in pain.

Running around the room franticly trying to put my clothes on, I ran out of the room to see Whitney lying on one of the beds in the infirmary screaming in pain.

I ran over to Whitney's side and grabbed her hand; I stifled a scream as she squeezed the living heck out of my hand.

"Jeremy get your ass over here, hold her hand now" I growled at him while he sat in the corner freaking out, he slowly came over to Whitney's side and grabbed her hand.

Jeremy groaned and Kayden on the other hand looked calm as ever.

"Athena, by the order of the Alpha he doesn't want me touching Whitney. I need you to see how dilated she is" Lenny told me and my eyes widened

"you can't be serious" I turned to Jeremy and he shrugged, I swallowed hard and nodded at Lenny.

He handed me some sterilized gloves, I put them on and listened to what he told me. I lifted the blanket that was covering her private area.

"you are so lucky you're my best friend" I told Whitney

"The babies head is right there" I told lenny, oh thank the lord I don't need to put my hand anywhere near Whitney's private area.

"Whitney, I need you to push" I told her; she nodded and screamed while she pushed, Kayden stood by Whitney giving her encouraging words, something my brother should be doing.

Whitney screeched and pushed again, I gently grabbed the baby's head and pulled lightly as Whitney pushed, she gave one more push and the baby came out.

Lenny gave a pair of surgeon scissors to cut the baby's umbilical cord, Jeremy cut it and I quickly dried the baby off and he started crying

"It's a boy whit" I told her proudly, she held the baby in her arms and she cried happy tears.

"Hello Adam" Whitney cooed.

Two minutes passed and I could see the next baby's head, Whitney gave Kayden Adam and she squeezed Jeremy's hand and screamed again.

"Come on Whitney, one more push" I said and she pushed really hard that her face went red, I grabbed the baby's head and gave a light tug Whitney pushed again and the baby girl was out.

Jeremy cut the Umbilical cord, I dried the baby off and handed her to Jeremy and Kayden handed her Adam

"Welcome to the world Athena" Jeremy cooed and kissed his daughters head.

"You done great babe" Kayden said kissing the top of my head, I smiled at my brother and best friend.

I took the gloves off and exposed of them, I pulled my phone from my back pocket and snapped a picture of Whitney and Jeremy holding Adam and Athena.

Adam and Athena are sound asleep as well as Whitney, she spent hours in labor before Jeremy came and woke us up.

"Coffee?" Kayden asked and I nodded.

"I love you and can I ask you something?" He asked and I nodded taking a drink of my coffee.

"do you want a family?" Did I want a family? When I was young, I used to imagine that I'd have a beautiful family with an amazing husband but that was ruined when my father changed. I do want to have a family, I want to have a family with Kayden.

"With you, yes" I whisper, there's silences between us.

"Really?" He asks and I look up, his eyes hold excitement.

"Only with you" I tell him, I move and sit on his lap. I rest my head in the crook of his neck, I inhale in scent and my heart swells.

I felt something wet and slimy on my leg, I looked down to see judge.

"Hello baby boy" I said and picked Judge up from the ground, I hugged him close to me and petted his rounded tummy.

"You're getting so fat" I said to Judge and rubbed behind his ear, I set him down and told kayden I was going to check on Whitney and the Twins.

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