Chapter Four - New Life

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Chapter Four - New Life

Athena's POV

"Come baby, please wake up" a voice pleaded, everything's dark why?

'You passed out' I knew that voice, it was my wolf. . My eyes their so heavy.

'come on, time to wake up' my wolf said. I tried again and I opened my eyes and then closed them again, the bright lights were way to bright for my eyes right now.

I opened my eyes again and looked around at my surroundings, I was in a room with pale blue walls and I was on someone's bed.

A guy I recognized as Jeremy came running into the room, then another guys and a girl.

"Athena, we've been so worried about you" Jeremy said and sat down besides me, I didn't know what to do.

"Here use this" the girl said and smiled at me, I took it as she stood behind Jeremy and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jeremy looked like our mum, he has dark brown hair like mine and his eyes are a brown with tint of blue. My eyes wondered to Whitney, the girl behind Jeremy she had dirty blond hair with green eyes. She's beautiful; she has flawless tan skin and she's quiet tall. I didn't want to look over at the other guy. My heart races every time I think about him, this is weird because I've never felt like this way before. I never talked to anybody at my school; well shit I've never talked before.

"Here, lets see if you can stand up" Jeremy said and helped me out the bed, I felt stiff but I walked around the room till my limbs weren't so stiff anymore,

"we'll show you around, then we have a surprise for you" Jeremy said and I nodded and I felt a smile tugging at my lips, I walked a head of everyone and trialed my fingers across the wall. This place is so beautiful, the outside and inside is all so beautiful.

"My room is at the end of the hall, and the Kayden's is across from yours" Jeremy said and I nodded, so that's his name Kayden.

"Here's your room" Whitney said and opened the door for me, my mouth dropped in shock. This room was massive, it had everything a teenage girl could want and everything I've ever dreamed about.

My eyes watered and I spun around and I wrapped my arms around Jeremy

"hey, what's wrong?" Jeremy asked and hugged me tight, I was crying because I was happy.

"Happy tears?" Jeremy asked and I nodded and Jeremy, he made this all possible for me. I looked over at Whitney and mouthed 'thank you' to her. She smiled and hugged me, which I returned, I went through and explored through my new room.

"You boys go do something else, while Athena and I set up all her stuff" Whitney said and pushed both the boys out; I held back a laugh as she slammed the door in their faces.

After four hours of setting up all my new things, Whitney mostly done everything for me but I watched as she done it all so I learned along the way. I wondered down the stairs after Whitney said she wanted to take a shower, I found Kayden and Jeremy eating pizza at the kitchen counter and talking. Kayden noticed me first and waved me over to take a seat next to him, again my heart fluttered as I sat next him. I grabbed a plate and a half of a slice of pizza, I never got to eat much because my father never allowed me to eat maybe a few piece here and there so I wouldn't starve to death.

I ate my pizza and pushed my plate away from me, I've never eaten that much in years.

"Is that all your having?" Kayden said, he was shocked but I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. I grabbed my new iPhone out and typed 'I never got to eat at my fathers' and I showed them and they both clenched their jaws. I yawned and typed my goodbyes to the boys.

I went up stairs and showered and dried myself off and changed into some sweat pants and a singlet after I put on some panties and a bra, I made sure to plug my phone into the changer and I played my music throughout the night until I feel asleep, and this sleep wasn't a pain filled sleep it was a peaceful sleep.

I stretched my muscles and turned over and grabbed my phone, I had a message from Jeremy.

{Morning Sleepyhead, just letting you know I've gone out to run some errand's with Whitney. We'll be home later, Kayden will be home. Somewhere. :) Xo}

I smiled at my brother's text, I didn't reply but I got up and picked some clothes to wear today. I picked a oversized the-shirt and a pair of jeans, I had a quick shower and dried myself and pulled on a matching set of panties and a bra and then my clothes. I didn't worry about makeup; I've never worn it before. I tied my hair in a bun and made my way down stairs, I made sure I had my phone with me.

I saw Kayden at the kitchen counter eating, no surprise there he's always eating.

He looked up and noticed me and grinned, my heart beat speed up he's just so adorable. I smiled and waved at him,

"want pancakes? I'll make them," Kayden asked and I nodded slightly, I haven't had pancakes since my mum was murdered, I pushed the memories a side and sat down at the counter.

I was playing on my phone when Kayden took it out of my hands; I frowned at him and put my hand out.

He typed something and gave it back; "my number, text me if you need anything or you want to talk" he smiled and went back to making the batter for the pancakes.

Kayden's POV

After I was finished making the pancakes, I set them up on the kitchen counter and went to get Athena. When I got there I found her asleep, I smiled and sighed and picked her up bridal style. I took her up to her room and laid her down, she stirred but went back to sleep.

She looks so fragile; she's quiet skinny just not sickly skinny. The way her dark brown hair flows down her back, the way her brown eyes sparkle and her flawless creamy tan skin. I laid down beside her and tucked my arm under her and pulled her close to me, she cuddled into me more. One thing I knew, I was falling Athena and I was falling fast.

"We need to talk to you, but you can't get angry okay?" Whitney said and nodded, what could make me angry?

"I'm pregnant" Whitney said and everything came to a holt, I looked at Jeremy he was looking down at Whitney with loving eyes and Whitney well she was waiting nervously for my answer.

"You guys have been together for a week? And you're already pregnant?" I said and stood up

"I've loved him for years Kay, I'm in love with him. You need to suck it up, I'm pregnant and this is going to be your nephew! I need you to support me!" Whitney yelled. I stood there with my jaw clenched.

"What's done is done, congrats" I said and pushed passed my sister and Jeremy. She didn't even make it to her twenty-first, I told mum that I would make sure Whitney makes it to her twenty-first to get her key.

"Fuck!" I cussed and punched the wall next to me, I grabbed my leather jacket and grabbed my keys and walked out to the garage, Jeremy was waiting for me by my bike.

"She crying ya 'know? Athena's up there comforting her" he growled

"I promised my fucking mother before she went to battle that I would make sure Whitney got her twenty-first, and now she can't because you couldn't keep your dick in your fucking pants!" I growled back and swung my leg over the bike

"Don't go, please Kay" Whitney's voice appeared, I looked back over at her and I sagged my shoulders. I hate seeing her like this; she's my little sister for Pete sake.

"If not stay for me, stay for Athena!" Whitney sobbed, but everything came to holt when Athena collapsed on the ground.

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