Chapter 11

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I sit in the front yard of Andy's house refusing to go in with him. Iy my How oblivious can he really be. I know I'm not the most obvious person, but seriously, it's not a crime scene investigation.

I watch as he hugs his sister Ashley at the front door. We used to be pretty close, she'd always say that she looked up to me. She's actually the same age as my sister but they never got along. Although they both are extremely smart, DD always wanted to have fun while Ash just wanted to chill.

I watch as Andy points to the car and I let out a heavy sigh. She comes running to the car as I unbuckle my seatbelt. She opens my door and throws herself on top of me.

"Justice! You look so good! I've missed you!" She yells happily in my ear. I laugh and hug her back.

"I've missed you too Ash. Tell mom I said hi."

"Oh she's inside, come say hi to everyone." She insists. I mentally slap myself.

I get out of the car and walk into the house reluctantly. I go to Ms.Clare's room and knock lightly on her door.

"Come in!" I hear from the room and walk in. I walk toward the voice and land in the bathroom. I watch as Ms. Clare carefully traces lines on her eyebrows with her dark pencil.

"Justice! It's been so long!" She smiles putting her pencil down and wrapping her arms around my neck. I hug her back happily. It really has been a long time. Ms. Clare has always been like a second mom to me.

"So how's life?" She asks moving us to sit at the edge of her bed.

"It's going I guess." I shrug. If I give away too much she'll read me like a book.

"Mhm. Who did you come with?" She asks with a sly smile.

"Andy." I nod.

I watch as she winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"It's not like that."

"I didn't say anything." She says smiling. "Honestly, he needs someone like you. He's always messing with these fast girls who will never do anything for him. Like that girl Maya."

"Maya?" I ask curious.

"Yes. You didn't know? That's his current girlfriend." She says in disgust. I suppress my laugh into snickers as she smiles brightly.

Well now that Ms. Clare says that, I have no reason to be mad. It's not like he was cheating on her with me. He was being loyal, and I can understand that. Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to him anymore.

I hear the opening of the door and Andy walks in.

"Lets go." He says glancing over at his mom then walking out. Well what did I miss?

I get up grabbing my purse and hugging Ms.Clare.

"Tell your mom I said hey." She says as I wave and walk out of her room.

I get in the car after saying a quick goodbye to Ash. I sit in the car feeling better knowing that Andy was just doing the right thing. He drives leaning back with one arm on the steering wheel and the other on his chin. His expression showed that thoughts were pending. Like he was almost worried.

"Andy, are you okay?" I ask concerned. He looked over at me surprised.

"Are you actually talking to me?" He asks holding his hand to his chest like he lost his breath.

"Yes." I giggle as he smiles that million dollar smile that makes anybody feel like they're the only one who matters.

"That makes me really happy. Especially when I make you laugh. It makes me more than happy." He smiles at me as clear my throat.

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