Chapter 10

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We drive in the rental car after a nearly 2 day flight from Cali to Florida. We finally make to my city as I sing at the top of my lungs to Tori Kelly. Kyle glances at me, shaking his head from time to time with a small smile. I'd been anticipating on this trip for so long. I can tell that even Kyle is excited. As we turn into my neighborhood I begin to prepare Kyle.

"When we get to my house, greet my mom first, then my dad. If my sister flirts with you, don't think too much of it. My brother might try to intimidate you because... he's my brother. But most importantly make yourself comfortable. Everyone in the house will try their best to make you feel at home."

"I'll try to keep that in mind." He says tapping the steering wheel.

"Don't be nervous, the last thing they'll do is push you away." I touch his shoulder encouragingly.

"I get it." He nods as we pull into my drive way. I get out first and rush to the door. Jordan answers the door with his phone in his face.

"We have insurance." He sighs bored.

"You stole that one!" I complain as he looks up at me in surprise. He closes his phone and stuffs it in his pocket.

"Oh gosh Justice." He mutters hugging me.

"Where is mom and pops?" I ask walking into the house.

"Patio- wait, who's that in your car?"

"Didn't mom tell you? I brought company." I laugh walking to the back of the house. I find my parents sitting in the swinging chair under the tree, my mom giggling like a 3rd grader. I watch as my dad sneaks a kiss on her cheek and smiles at her sweetly.

"Ew, get a room." I complain laughing. They smile and my mom gets up to greet me with a hug.

"How are you baby?" She asks letting me go and returning back to her seat snuggled next to my dad.

"I'm fine. Just happy to be here." I smile.

"Where is this Kyle?"My dad asks. As if on cue, Kyle comes out of the sliding patio door and walks to us.

"It's nice to see you again Ms.Harvey." He says taking my mom in for a hug. "And its nice to meet you sir." He says shaking my dad's hand firmly. My dad smiles and brings him in for a manly hug.

"I guess i'll just show Kyle where he'll be sleeping. We'll be back in a minute."

"Oh, Aunt Jessie and her family are visiting for lunch in about an hour."

"Really? I can't wait to see Kelly." I roll my eyes as my mom laughs. She knows how I feel abot my cousin Kelly. She is the snitch who never got stitches. When we were 16, I sneaked out with my friends and just because I didn't invite her, she told my parents. But, when I caught her doing grown folks stuff in our house, I told her mom. Her mom didn't even believe me. Crazy right?

I walk into the house with Kyle and walk us to the guest room. He sits down on the queen sized bed feeling the spread. He seemed almost delighted. He smiled up at me as I showed him the restroom and the closet.

"And where is your room?"

"Two doors down buddy." I said walking out.

"So what do we do while we wait?" He asks.

"I don't know, give yourself a tour. Talk to my brother. Whatever makes you happy." I respond closing my room door in his face. He can't follow me around all week.

"Hey, Justice!" He calls out before I get down the hall. I turn back to his room and peak my head through the door.

He smiles lightly and sighs. "Thanks, this means a lot."

"Its what friends do."I nod backing away from the door.

I lay down on my bed and sigh. Just as I dose off to sleep, I hear the door bell and sit up. I walk down the steps and open the front door. I couldn't help but let the gasp escape my lips. He grinned brightly and grabbed me for a tight hug.

"Long time no see baby girl." He says as his lip grazes my ear.

"What are you doing here?" I ask not meaning to be rude but stunned. I bet my face tells it all.

"I came to see you silly." He says chuckling lightly and tickling my chin. He looks up and extends his hand motioning in the house. "And the rest of the family of course." He says walking to the kitchen. I sigh heavily thinking to myself Black People. I quickly erased the thought out of my mind when I realized how horribly racist that sounded. Even to my own race.

"Where's Ms. Lilly and Mr. Harvey?" He asks munching on a cookie from the jar.

"Straight to the back." I mumbled walking behind him like a stubborn child. As much as I didn't want to be around him, he was still family.Very good looking, sweet, and charming, but family. Like the attractive cousin you really wish wasn't related to you.

He walked out of the patio door and immediately started an 'oh so' engaging conversation with my family. Tired of listening to them talk I turn to walk back into the house but my mom stops me, calling my name.

"Jus, ride with Andy to his house really quick. He's coming back later for dinner but I need some things and you know what I want. Don't make that face, I thought you might want to see Clare."

"But I have a guest." I try to respond without whining. It didn't exactly work out that well.

"He'll be fine. It's almost 5:30, you have to get going. I love you sweety. Be safe." She calls out as I stomp to Andy's car. I sit in the front seat of the car closer to pouting than iv'e been in years. Maybe crying, but never pouting.

He gets in and starts the ignition. We drive off in silence. The tension in the car was so thick that I could hardly breath.

"Can't say no to mom huh?" He asks lightheartedly.

"Yeah." I reply nodding my head slowly.

"Relax J. I'm not an ax-murderer."

"Mhm." What I really wanted to say was "You're an ax-murderer to people's hearts." but I kept my cool. We it silently again for what feels like forever.

"So who's he."

"My business."

"Calm down." He says looking away long enough to see me talking under my breath. We sit silently again.

"Is he your man or something?" He asks a little nervously.

"Nah." I seen him sigh and I roll my eyes. If he wanted me he could have had me.The car falls silent once again.

"Well I advise you to get out of you funk because we're gonna be spending some time together." I look at him and he winks and smiles. Darn that cute smile. I could really kill him.

Soooo, i knew it would be forever until i looked back at this so i just decided to post it. Yeah, it's short and I will redeem myself for all the lost time sometime soon. Happy Holidays!!! Yall wish me happy birthday on the 29th tho lol.

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