Chapter Four

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"How are you pregnant? We've never done anything."

"Bro, you didn't smash? What were you thinking?" Another guy asked from the group. Kyle turned around giving whoever it was a death glare.

"Well there was that one time..." I said my eyes wandering around the room innocently. He ran his hand through his hair anxiously and put his hand on his hip. He honestly looked adorable stressed out.

"Justice, are you high?" He asked lowly.

"No! Why would I be high and I'm pregnant." I say loud for everyone to hear. He rolls his eyes. "I'm almost 7 weeks. I can't fit any of my jeans which is why I'm wearing yoga pants. We can do this together." I said touching his arm softly. He looked like he wanted to scream. This is priceless.

"Girl, if a pregnant woman looks like that? I need to be looking for somebody whose knocked up." Somebody said from behind me, I whipped my head around and gave him a blank stare. He put his hands up saying how honest he was being. I turned to look at Kyle who was glaring at him too.

"Come on." He says gently pushing me toward the exit. Finally he wants to stop embarrassing himself. Outside night was just falling, the sunsetting leaving the sky bright pink and orange.We get out of the door and he goes mad.

"What is wrong with you!" He yelled. "You know we've never done anything like that!" He says pacing back and forth. I sit on the hood of my car waiting for him to finish. "Justice, why? That was so stupid! Pregnant? Pregnant Justice? Really?" He stood in front of me and stared at me with his arms folded looking mad. Not funny mad, scary mad.

"It got you out of the door didn't it?" I asked. He looked at me with an incredulous expression.

"You could've just asked me to come outside." He looked like he wanted to punch something.

"You wouldn't have done it now would you?" I asked getting an attitude. I'm doing all this to help his ungrateful behind. He was silent afterwards.

"Get in the car, we're leaving." I said walking to the drivers side.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said standing there grounded.

"Kyle. Now." I said through gritted teeth. After a long glare he came to the car and sat in the passenger seat. I remember when my mom used to do that to me. That was her way of saying 'if you don't do what I say, you'll be waking up next week'.

I got in the car and started driving back toward the campus. The drive was silent, I could feel Kyle's anger and disgust radiating off of him. When we got to the school I parked and turned to look at him.

He was staring out of the window with a mixture of emotions on his face. He's never acted this way toward me. I've never had to manipulate him to talk to me. But he's acting so off, something has to be wrong.

"Kyle what's the problem?" I asked quietly.

"You wouldn't understand." He said his voice low.

"I want to understand. You may be a friend but I love you like a brother. It hurts me to see you this way. Please, just talk to me. I'll do everything in my power to help."

"You can't help me this time." He says stepping out of the car. I get out of the car as he takes confident strides away from me. Then I hear the screeching of tires and I whip my head around to see what it was.

A Dodge Challenger parked itself beside my car and four people emerged. They all were black and muscular. I recognized one of them from my last meeting, what were they doing here?

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