Chapter 9

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"You're healing process is moving remarkably well. I don't doubt that you'll be fine by the end of the month." Dr.Mare says putting away my X-ray scans.

"I don't even feel the pain that much anymore. Thank you." I said hopping off of the table and going to the main office.

"Okay, let's go." I call out to Kyle who sits waiting for me. He gets up from the chair before saying goodbye to the secretary.

We walk to his car and drive back home in silence. I've been thinking about his little issue lately. About a month ago, when I'd just gotten hurt and when he'd just found out about his dad, I was quite lonely.

It's not that I didn't have anyone to talk to, it's just that no one could relate to me. But over this past month, we've created a bond. I trust him with every single word that comes out of my mouth. We sit in his living room for hours at a time, just talking about life, learning to understand each other. His problems have somehow become my problems and I can finally see the depth of his emotions.

"Kyle, I have a family reunion next month."

"Awe, you're leaving me all alone?" He says touching his heart with false emotion.

"No, I want you to come with me." I looked at him as he glanced from the road to me.

"You want me to come? With you? To see your whole family?" He asks, the look of surprise evident on his face.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I ask laughing.

"Well, I don't know. I'm honored but I'm afraid that your family won't like me." He says nervously.

"I don't think that's the problem. I think you're afraid that you won't like my family." I look at him intently. He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't. "I want you to know that there ate more people like me. Who love inspite of racial differences."

He still drives quietly not answering me. I'll give him some time to sleep on it. We get home and I abandon the conversation, trying not to make him uncomfortable.

"What's for dinner?" I ask sitting at the table as walks into the kitchen.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I was thinking some chicken alfredo. But I don't like it dry, you'll have to make it right." I respond, mouth watering just thinking of the delicious sauce. He peaks into the cabinet.

"That'll work." He says pulling out bottles of alfredo sauce.

We have a light conversation as he cooks. I sit at the table, watching him move through the kitchen swiftly, smiling up at me from time to time.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." He says closing the pot.

"Okay." I said as he walked into the room. When he closes the door, I walk into the kitchen and open the lid to the pot. It actually doesn't look like it tastes bad.

I take a spoon and dip it in there. After letting it cool off for a few seconds, I take my finger and taste the sauce. My nose wrinkled slightly. It's not that it's nasty or anything. That's not the case at all. It's just... bland. I walk to the cabinets grabbing all types of seasoning. Then I grab an onion, tomatoes, and bellpeppers. After feeling more satisfied with the food, I wash my hands and sit back down like nothing happened.

A few minutes later, he walks out, water still glistening on his neck. He comes to the pot and opens it.

"Well the food's done but... I don't remember putting all of this in here." He says looking up at me confused. I giggle despite myself.

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