Chapter 11

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It was midnight and Bruno was in his den, sitting at his piano. He couldn't sleep, his mind was racing with thoughts about Sydney. Ever since their date a couple weeks ago, he's been imagining how he was going to make love to her. He needed to find the perfect moment, he needed to know if she was ready, he needed to find the right time to kiss her and keep it going until they were getting lost in each other's touches and kisses. He had to set the mood to where she felt comfortable enough to let him in, in more ways than one.

He sighed, then pulled out his phone, looking through his contacts, needing someone to talk to. He stopped on Demi before clicking her name, calling her. She was his best friend, she would know what to say. He brought the phone to his ear, then heard her pick up.

"Hello?" Her sleepy voice came through the phone.

"Hey Demz, did i wake you?" He asked.

"Na, i was already awake, the baby's been keeping me awake with nausea. What's up?"

He bit his lip, "Demi, i need your expertise"

"Okay, on what?"


"What about her?"

He paused, then let out a breath, "i... i want to make love to her" he said softly.

"Aww, you do?" He can practically see her smile through the phone.

"Yeah, but i don't know how. I'm afraid to ask her, because what if she doesn't want to?"

"Well, i can ask her myself. I mean, she'll probably feel more comfortable talking to another girl about this." Demi suggested.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I can probably get her to open up about you and what ever she tells me, i'll tell you. You won't have to worry" she said.

"You'd do that for me?" Bruno asked, a smile pulling at his lips.

"Of course, you're my best friend, Bru. I'd do anything for you."

He sighed in relief, "thanks so much, Demz, you don't know how much this means to me"

She laughed, "yeah i do" she teased.

He laughed as well, "true" he said, then sighed, "so, when do you want to do this?"

"I can come over tomorrow. You can say tell her you're gonna hang out with Phil and i'll talk to her while you're gone" Demi said.

"Okay, sounds good. I'll call Phil in the morning before you get here"

"Alright, later Bru" she said before hanging up.

Bruno hung up as well, then dropped his phone beside him and sighed, resting his forehead against the top of the piano, thinking...



Sydney woke up the next morning, finding the bed empty. She sat up, looking around for Bruno until she heard the shower shut off in the bathroom. She sighed softly, then laid back down, staring up at the ceiling until she heard the door open. She looked over, seeing Bruno walk out of the bathroom in jeans and a button-up shirt.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty" Bruno greeted, crossing over to the bed.

Sydney blushed, "morning" she responded, sitting up to stretch, the blanket falling around her waist.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, watching her stretch, her shirt riding up her body, revealing her stomach.

She smiled, "good, how was your shower?" she asked, moving to get up, only wearing panties underneath.

He smiled, "pretty good, kinda lonely" he gave her a sly grin, not knowing where the flirt came from.

She blushed deeply, looking down, her hair covering her face, "Sorry, Bruno. I would've joined you if you asked" she said.

He looked over at her in surprise, "you would?"

She nodded, meeting his gaze shyly, "yeah, i mean, you've already seen my naked before" she shrugged.

Bruno crossed over and brushed her hair behind her ear, "well next time, i'll be sure to ask you" he said.

Sydney nodded, "okay" she smiled.

He smiled, then leaned in and pecked her cheek.

She blushed, then looked up at him, "so why are you up so early?" she asked, reaching out to play with the top button of his shirt.

He watched her, biting his lip as she played with the button. If only she knew how much he wanted her. "I'm gonna hang with Phil today, but you won't be alone. Demi's coming over" he said.

"Oh, so it's a guy's day out?" she teased a bit.

He laughed, nodding, "yeah." he said, then he heard the door downstairs open and close.

"Bruno!" Demi called out.

"She's here, i'll be back later, 'kay, Syd?" he said.

Sydney nodded, "yeah, i'll be here" she smiled.

Bruno smiled back, then leaned in and kissed her deeply, holding her close before letting her go. He gave her another smile before leaving the room, running into Demi on his way out.

"Have fun!" Demi called after him before walking into the room, smiling at Sydney as she crossed over to the red-head, "hey Syd, ready to have some girl time?"

Sydney smiled, "sure" she said, sitting on the bed with the brunette. "You're pretty big for 2 months" she commented.

Demi nodded, "yeah, i'm having twins" she beamed.

"Aw, that's so cute" Sydney smiled back, then sighed and laid back on her bed.

"So, how is it dating my best friend?" The brunette asked with a slight smile.

Sydney blushed, shrugging, "it's nice, i really like him. He's really sweet" she smiled.

"That's good" Demi paused, "have you guys kissed?" she asked with a slight smirk.

The red-head blushed further, to where she was the same shade as her hair, "yeah, a few times" she admitted.

"Aw, that's cute" She smiled.

Sydney smiled as well, closing her eyes.

"So... Sydney... have you ever thought about... you know" Demi said.

"Thought about what?" Sydney asked, looking over at the brunette who grew to be like her best friend.

"You know... taking your relationship to the next level"

"Like... how?"

"Like... -physically-"

Sydney thought about her question and blushed, "you mean if i wanna have sex with him" she guessed.

"If you wanna put it that way, yes"

Sydney's blush deepened, "well... yeah, i've thought about it.... but... i never told him"

"Why not?"

"'Cause, what if i'm the only one that feels that way? I don't want to tell him because what if he doesn't want to?"

"Well, you never know. Maybe when you two are alone, you should probably make the first move and see how far it goes. Maybe he -does- feel the same way and thinks you don't. It goes both ways, Sid."

"I don't know, i'm kind of afraid to"

"You never know until you try, Sydney. Just... kiss him when you feel the time's right and keep it going." Demi said.

Sydney sighed, "okay, i'll try it when we're alone"

"Good, now, onto better business: what should i name the babies?" Demi asked.

Sydney giggled, then shrugged, "well, if you have two girls, i think the names, Olivia and Scarlett are good. If you have two boys: Oliver and Ethan" she suggested.

"Those are good, Syd, i'll keep those in mind" she smiled.

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