Chapter 1

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Warnings: triggering content. Read at your own risk.



"Please, just leave me alone" Sydney whimpered as she backed against the wall, shaking.

She had came home late and walked upstairs, about to go into her room, when her brother, Jay, came out of his room, pushing her hard against the wall, possibly bruising her back.

"why the fuck have you taken forever to get home?" he asked, his grip tightening on her as he pressed her tightly against the wall.

"i walked home" she said, tears coming to her eyes as she felt a very sharp pain in her back as she was pushed into a picture frame that hung low on the wall.

"come with me" he said, dragging her, then pushing her into his room.

Sydney stumbled, falling to the floor.

Jay grabbed her by her hair and pushed her aggressively against the wall, pulling a knife out from his pocket, "never talk back to me" he said, poking her stomach with the tip of the knife.

Sydney nodded, her eyes wide with fear,

"You know what i wanna know? Why the fuck you're still alive" he asked bitterly,

Sydney looked down. He was right, she was still alive even though no one in the world wanted her around. Sydney sighed, "i don't know."

"bitch, look at me when i'm talking to you" he said, taking his free hand and lifting her face roughly, swiping the knife across her stomach.

Sydney screamed in pain, her hands going to her stomach

Jay covered her mouth, then said, "don't scream. Even if you do, no ones going to help you. Don't waste your breath"

Tears fell as her stomach stung from the cut he left.

"listen bitch, you are a worthless, pathetic, slut! i don't know why mom kept you. She should've gave you away or something" he said, swiping the knife on her thigh.

Sydney tried to hold back her screams. He was right again, she didn't know why she stayed around so long.

He looked at her, then for like a split second, she saw his gaze soften, but then he went back to looking pissed, before swiping the knife on her other thigh.

Tears fell along with blood onto the floor. She hated this, she hated her life, and she knew they all hated her. She couldn't take this torture anymore, so she grabbed the knife and held it over her heart.

"you want me dead? Well, here's your wish. I'll stab myself. I swear to God i'll do it and then you, mom and dad won't have to deal with me anymore." she said, more tears falling, about to stab herself, then suddenly he grabbed the knife from her, tossing it onto the bed.

Sydney looked at him, "what are you doing? i was about to kill myself! i know it's what you want, so why did you stop me?!" she asked him, going for the knife, but he pulled her back

Jay looked at her, his face no longer aggressive and mean, "Sydney. I can't let you do that."

"why not?! You're the one that wants me dead, so why did you stop me?!" she asked, desperate to escape this life

"Look, i can't see you die." he said,

"since when?! ever since they came here, you were always trying to kill me!" she said,

"that's 'cause dad tells me to do all this. 'Cause if he did it himself, you really would've died and he would've been thrown in prison or killed himself. I do this 'cause he forces me" he told her

Sydney looked at him, "and i'm going to believe you?! You tried to rape me a month ago!" she said, more tears falling

"i know, and i'm sorry, but i had no choice." he said,

She sighed, but still not believing him, "okay, can i go now?"

He nodded, then Sydney left, confused and angered, her body in pain from when he cut her.

Sydney locked her door, then rifled through her drawer, pulling out a pill bottle. She looked around, then took a few pills before laying down, falling asleep.

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