Door 4 - Chapter 50 - Her

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"So? Do you two even plan on asking me if I want a lift?" The woman asked again.

Harris was unable to answer due to her brazen nature. He'd expected a thankful, tired hitchhiker, yet this person had the demeanor of someone on a stroll that had been interrupted. His sentiment wasn't shared by Huey, though, who instead looked at her with a grin.

"Want a lift?" Huey asked.

"Dunno, you two aren't some weird brother duo who go around kidnapping hitchhikers, are you?"

"What if we say yes?"

"At least I'll respect you for being honest." She said with a casual shrug.

Huey bopped his head in amusement. Clearly, he liked her.

"Don't worry, we're just passing by. Nothing off about us." Harris assured her in his most gentle-sounding voice.

"See, now that I find it hard to believe."

"What? I'm being honest."

"Guy like you with a kid that like that? There's no way there's nothing off," said the woman with her arms crossed, as if expecting Harris to apologize.

"You want the truth?" Huey asked. "He picked me up at a city far from here when I tried to steal his car, some gangsters shot at us, we drove all the way out to get away from them but ran into a serial killer who we left with a coyote, then we stole his jeep and duped some people into betting their money, which we won... oh and we also saw a really boring turtle race."

It was the woman's turn to stare at them now. Harris lightly put a palm to his face; the kid brought naiveté to a whole different level. She was more likely to run away in the other direction let alone get a ride from, he thought. She, meanwhile, gave little away judging by how she looked at them, Huey's unapologetic – and somewhat proud – grin didn't help matters either.

To Harris's immense surprise, the woman threw her bag in the back seat and sat in the jeep.

"Aren't you going to drive?" she asked nonchalantly. Harris processed how the event unfolded.

" trust us after what he said?"

"The kid just told a story that's way too wacky not to be true."

Huey gave Harris a pompous, proud-of-his-approach look. But Harris knew the real reason.

"You saw us at the Tortoise race, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that too." The woman admitted. Harris winked at Huey. A silence then broke out, as the car had still not begun moving. "Why are we still parked here?"

"Uh... because you haven't told us where you're planning on going."

"Oh, well, where are you two headed?"

"Longton." Huey shared that before Harris could stop him.

"Then take me there."

"So I take you don't have any specific destination?"

"What was your first clue?" She said sarcastically, making Huey chuckle but leaving Harris more exasperated. "Anything else you'd like to know?"

"I don't know, if it's not too much trouble, you could tell us your name." Harris found himself adopting the sardonic approach now.

"I'm Huey, and this is Harris." The boy quickly turned out around to talk.

"We're going to have a discussion about talking too quickly," murmured Harris.

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