Door 3 - Chapter 35 - Her Story

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It was a different feeling in itself when he had people who were entertained by him, wanted to know more about him, and appreciated his presence. It was a secular world being by himself; he saw now how much he'd been missing out on, and how much he had to offer. And all it took was shutting out the hesitant side of him. Perhaps, he thought, life was about enjoying rather than being understood.

On another night at another expensive restaurant that Harris treated his friends – he'd been splurging for days, seeing no more need for the money he'd once saved so religiously – he stood up to give a toast.

"To my friends, you have no idea how much it means to me that you're all here." He spoke with a glass of soda in his hand.

"Great, so you're going to force us to listen to this because you're paying." Hank quipped.

"Hank, be nice." Sylvia slapped him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, but your husband isn't wrong there, I'm not going to let any of you guys eat until I've finished speaking." Harris winked.

"I knew it." Hank roared. "See, he's not so much of a baby you girls like to make him out to be."

"That manicure we got him might disagree," Laarni interjected. Harris put his hand in his pocket while Hank looked appalled.

"Didn't need to tell him that," said Harris in a humorously meek voice as laughter rang the table. "Anyway, as I was saying, I never thought there was more for me to see, but you guys have shown me a different side of life. And I just want to say, I'll always be thankful to you."

"Hear, hear," said Sylvia, brushing his hair as always. Harris stuck his tongue out to the guys; he didn't feel embarrassed over it anymore.

"And we feel the same way. We've never had a better time than now, either." Laarni spoke. "It's because of you I'm about to marry the love of my life, so I'll always be indebted to you, my dear brother."  

"And I guess every group needs a loveable sissy." Hank gave him a well-meaning jab on the shoulder. "Care to chime in something, Auden?"

"Oh, uh, sure, Harris, you and I've known each other a long time. You've always been close to me, and if you hadn't then I wouldn't have had this drink." Auden laughed and took a swig. "I love you, man."

A rather awkward silence hung between them.

"You too, buddy. Someone needs to be cut off soon," whispered Harris to the others.

"Honey, put that away for a bit, Harris's treating dessert, too." Laarni offered Auden who for once put his drink away.

Before Harris could indulge himself with the ice cream, he felt a shooting pain in his stomach that made him grunt loudly.

"What's up?" Hank asked, who was nearest to him.

"Oh nothing, ate something earlier, doesn't agree with me." Harris lied, getting up. "I'll be back, you guys carry on."

"We'll save you some ice cream," Sylvia called out as he bolted.

Outside, he stopped to a standstill as the feeling refused to stem down. Harris gripped the side of the wall, his grunts of pain began attracting attention as he moved further away. He closed his eyes, calming himself down by taking deep breaths. Gradually, the pain reduced.

Sighing in relief, he opened his eyes to see a clearing a little distance away, illuminated by a mysterious light, under which a woman hurried away. It was Dr. Roslin, and she was heading down the same path he had followed her before. 

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