Chapter 4

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Jessica’s POV:

God I hate working. All I do is take orders and listen to people complain about their food. 

“My food’s to cold,”

“I asked for no tomatoes,”

“My drink has to much ice,”

Blah.Blah.Blah. It’s annoying.

But it’s the only job I got as of now. So I guess you got to do what you got to do.

I stand in the corner next to Cassidy as we eat our lunch during out break, which is almost over.

“Jessi, I apologized 100 times about what happened the other day at the club!” Cassidy turns to me as I eat my sandwich in silence.

I smooth down the black tight shirt that consist of my ‘Uniform’.  “It’s fine. I told you I’m not mad.” I reply, my tone not supporting the statement.

Cassidy just huffs and grabs her pen and paper tightly in her hand. “Break’s over.” She replies with a hint of hurt before swiftly exiting the kitchen.

“Yippee,’’ I say to myself throwing my little apron back on.   

As I walk out of the kitchen I pass my boss who stops and grabs me by the shoulder lightly, halting me from waling.

“Hey beautiful, tables 1, 4, 7, and 9 are yours,” Mr. Rivers tries to shamelessly flirt with me. But I don’t mind, it’s harmless. He’s about 30 I would say. His dad was the one who made this place, so automatically he’d be the manager. So I just nod and go back to my job.

 “Table four is yours? Good luck,” One of my co-workers says as I walk towards the lonely table in the back. I scrunch my eyebrows in a matter of confusion, but she just walks away instead of telling me why.

As I get closer to the table I start to answer my own questions. I exhale loudly before pulling out my pen and paper. I avoid gaze with the 6 people at the table, clicking my pen to let them know I was present.

 “Hi welcome to Dave’s Diner, what drink’s can I get you?” I say monotone to Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and some brunette next to Louis. Looks like I got a table full of Marksville (Made up city for California) players.

“Oh hey Jessica,” Harry says smirking at me. Jesus I want to slap that smirk off his stupid beautiful face. “I didn’t know you worked here,” Now I really want to smack him.

“How come you’re everywhere I go?” I ask clicking my pen, a nervous habit of mine.

“I could ask you the same love, but it’s guess its faith” Wow. Why am I blushing that he said love? All English people say that. So it should be no big deal. However, the ‘faith’ part was kind of cute, ill admit it.

‘’You guys know each other eh?” Niall looks back and forth between Harry and me.

 “Sadly,’ ‘ I mutter under my breath. “Anyways what can I get you guys to drink?” I say pulling on a fake smile.


“Diet Coke,”

“A beer,”

“Beer please, how about you Eleanor?” Oh so that’s the brunets name. Wow she’s quiet lovely, why’s she with these guys?

“Just lemonade thank you,”

“Get me a beer too,”

 With a nod and a quick smile I walk away and continue to my other tables. But then I started thinking. I actually didn’t know all these guys were from other countries. Everyone in this boring town knew who they were, but I had never heard any of them actually talk. Now I see why girls practically throw themselves at them.

Jesus. I think I’m in love with Harry’s smile. Whenever I would pass by Harry’s table and he was laughing, I considered that maybe he was actually nice, well around his friends at least. But his smile, his real smile, just made you’re heart melt.

Thank you God, they’re done. I make my way to the table again to collect the check and hopefully the tip. Nope, no tip. How thoughtful.

 “See you around Jessica,” Harry winked as the others walked away, but he wasn’t aware that I had noticed him slip a white piece of paper into the check.

Of course the man whore was flirting. But no, I couldn’t let him think he was the only one in this ‘game’.  I needed to do something to let him know I wasn’t just a bitch who ignored all his flirts.

“By Harry,” I purred into his ear hitting his ass. And I was damn proud as his face showed complete shock; but a good shock.

“Feisty, confusing, and sexy. I want you already,” He whispered, knowing I had no come back. I mean he was the player here.  And leaving me with wide eyes he just walked away.

I shook my head and grabbed the check, along with the crumpled white slip of paper inside. It read in perfect handwriting:

Want your tip? I’d rather use your tip money to take you out to dinner. Call me. 646-8989-7685

Xx Harry ;)”

Are you kidding me?  How cheesy! I stick the paper into my bra and just continue working.

God I hate grouchy men. His salad had to many carrots, so he felt the need to need to complain about how his life is already a pain, and ‘stupid waitress’ isn’t something else he needs. God, people are annoying.

Once I’m about to go look for Cassidy as my ride home I check my phone to see a message from her an hour ago. 

“My mom picked me up from work as a surprise visit. Sorry babe! Wish I could give you a ride! Don’t hate me ;(! See you at home!”

Why does the world hate me? I have no way to get home! I could go with Sydney…no she and everyone else are working late tonight. And I have no other friends. So it appears I’ll be walking home, all 8 miles of it.

Ugh I seriously hate walking. As of now I still have a good half hour. My mind starts drifting off and my mind automatically goes to Harry for some weird reason.

I hate him. He’s arrogant, cocky, a player, sexy, a man whore, intriguing, hot…okay to far. I desperately want to get close to him, because I feel like he would make my life more interesting. However I know me to well. We’ll get close; I’ll fall for the not-player-side of him, but then boom. He’ll break my heart. And I don’t want that ever.

Wait you know what? I would never fall for him. Ever! He’s just an arrogant cock who only wants one thing from girls. But he won’t get anything from this girl. . Not to mention he’s dangerous, which is not something a girl like me should get interested in.

Now all I need to do is stay away before I get hurt, because that’s all that happens to me apparently.

As I am done debating in my head, I hear my name being called.

 Oh crap. Not that voice. It's -


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