Chapter 8

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Jessica’s POV:

 Without a second thought I try and scramble up, the trashing getting knocked over in the process. The noise makes a loud thud, it echoing off the walls, instead of a gunshot. “Zayn go find out the noise,” Harry yells, obviously knowing I was there, or someone more like.

I’m pressed up against the wall, my eyes squeezed shut, hoping no one finds me.  Who am I kidding, with the trashcan down I’m basically in plain sight. I hear Zayn’s footsteps pass by me, then stop abruptly. I squeeze my fists shut, in fear that if they do find me, I’ll get I big trouble by them.

Just as I think he’s passed my shirts gripped up and I’m thrown up against the brick wall. I gasp at the rough action, it scaring me more than hurting. “And what do you thin you’re doing?” Zayn whispers to me, almost in a seductive way. I never noticed, but this boy is actually pretty attractive, but this is not the time.

“I, Um..” I’m at a lost for words as I turn my head to Harry who’s fuming, the gun still pressed to the brunettes temple.

“Harry! Don’t! Please!” I beg for a stranger’s life, my instincts kicking in. I can’t stand anyone’s life being taken away, especially by another human. “Zayn pull her away,” Zayn chuckles a bit before trying to drag me away.

I swiftly swipe my arms from him, screeching. I quickly take the moment his arms lose mines grip, to slip away and run to Harry. I quickly run to him pushing him over, the gun dropping. The man quickly thanks me and sprints away, faster than I have seen somebody run.

I cower as Harry stands up slowly as if in shock of what I did. His teeth as fastened closely together, his fists shaking, eyes burning. I don’t what I did, but that man must have been really important. But I couldn’t watch him die.

“Harry,” Zayn warns, knowing he’s about to explode. Harry looks like he’s about to erupt at me, so I sprint down the ally to try and make it to my car. Harry chases me, his intentions once he gets me; unclear.

Thankfully, I get into my car right as he grabs my arm. I speed of faster than a flipping racecar driver. I drive until I reach my apartment, where I sling the groceries over my shoulders and arms- pushing it all into one trip.

I rush up the stairs and find my apartment door, which I jiggle, the handle of, with no luck. In a shaky state, I pull my keys out and jam them into the door, then proceed to rush inside and slam the door behind me.

I just seriously hope I made it fast enough that there’s no way he could have followed me. I mean of course he’ll want to talk to me, I obviously just saw something that I wasn’t supposed to see. However talking to him is not the reason I don’t want to see him, I’m afraid, maybe since what I saw and did (let the guy get away) was so bad that he may want to…do more than talking.

I shake my head of my parionaions for a second to put the food and drinks away, when a thought occurs to me.

He could show up, he knows where I live. He could come here in the middle of the night, or whenever, and attack me! Oh god, I need to tell Cassidy, she’ll know what to do.

“Cassidy!” I yell down the hall for her, hopefully she’ll here me from her blaring music.  She should really turn it down; I don’t need that grumpy man next door to complain again.

“Yeah!” She hollers back. Just as I am about to call her, I think, maybe I shouldn’t.

I mean, what if Harry gets madder I told someone? Then wouldn’t I have worse consequence? Plus I don’t want Cassidy to stress, so I guess it’s better not to.

“Never mind!” I yell back, shutting the fridge door, hearing the buzz of my phone. I jog over to it and read the cover screen.

“We NEED to talk,” –Harry S.

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