Chapter 3

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Jessica's POV:

"And why's that, mate?"  The blonde retorts to Harry making me mentally roll my eyes at his terrible British impression. When I look back up at Harry his hands are balled up at his sides, knuckles white and slightly twitching. His eyes are a dark shade of green, and as of now- could burn holes through anything they come in contact with.  If I hadn't known better, I would say Harry looked like a small volcano ready to erupt. 

I shut my eyes tight as the fowl smelling creep is pulled from me and towards Harry. The next couple seconds consist of sounds of skin on skin being hit together, grunting, and also along with the final sound of a limp body hitting the cold, hard, ground (no taylor swift pun intended). 

I slowly open my eyes and immediately gasp and the horror. The mans face is bloody, along with some splotches on this white blazer. He's down, and appears to not being coming up any time soon. I shift my gaze cautiously to Harry, who's chest is heaving up and down as he calms himself down. 

As of now, I think I'm more afraid of Harry then the man on the floor. I mean a couple moments and the guys knocked out cold by him! That's truly terrifying. I know he is strong, but I did'nt know he was that strong!

I, of course, expected Harry to ask how I was, or if I was okay- but no. He grabs my arm as I try to walk away and pushes me against the wall.But he didn't slam me against it, just enough power for me to not be able to walk away as he tried. I must admit with all my fear for him as of now, there was a strange feeling of just wanting to kiss his beautiful fucking face. Okay too many shots.

"Why are you out here!?" He yelled through gritted teeth from his towering height above me. "I-I needed fresh air.." I stuttered, clearly lying. 

"Bullshit! Don't ever follow me!" He punches over my head at the bricks causing me to shriek. His straight forward actions and speech were to alien to me. 

"Please don't hurt me," I close my eyes and shrug down against the wall in attempt to hide, well in my mind at least. He steps back a little more and grabs the side of my face, peering into my eyes. "You think I'm that much of a monster to hit a little girl?" He whispers quietly. 

I guess he was right, I mean he did just protect me. "I'm not a little girl," I defend, avoiding his argument about him hurting me. 

He just smirks and lowers his hand from my cheek.He lightly laughs and brushes the hair falling from his bandana back. "You have the innocence of a young school girl.,"  He wears his smirk as I try and comprehend a come-back to his statement. His true statement at that. Yeah, I'll admit it. I'm pure. Never smoked, heck I just drank for the 2nd time in my life today! And I'm 19! In high school I wasn't a loser, but I wasn't popular. My grades were good for the most part, but I never had any motivation to go to college. But, you could say I'm innocent. Aside from what happened with Jacob (which will be discussed later) I'd never go any farther that a make-out with a guy. So I really couldn't fight him there.

"But I like Innocent,'' He grins sitting down onto a wooden crate a couple feet away,. I raise my eyebrow at his bipolar words. First he's pissed, then he's sweet, now- he's flirty.  indicating he wasn't walking away any time soon.

"Why's that?" I ask, really actually curious. 

"Fun in bed, not like the other whores, there's so many and they all suck in bed. Literally" He grins automatically knowing my reaction. 

My eyes widen to the size of golf balls and my mouth hangs open as a reaction to his dirty mouth. But suddenly I get an idea. ''Well maybe they aren't good because they're confused on what gender they're sleeping with. Think about that Mr.Lady Lips?" I smirk at my reference to his very plump feminine looking lips. (Guys its only for this hi lips are perfect)

Instead of getting angry like I assumed he laughs. A pair of cute dimples popping out, adorning his amazing smile. "Firstly that was on of the worst comebacks ever! Secondly, thanks for looking at my lips so much," I blush at the obvious observation I had made. "Lastly, I like you. You're feisty, not easy. I give you props to that.''

"So why'd you help me? What we're you doing out here in an ally?" I totally change the course of the conversation, making him flash a small smile. "I'm Harry Styles, so I was helping a damsel in distress. My daily thing. I'm not all bad boy. On a serious No man should ever force a girl to do anything she is uncomfortable with...sexually." 

I nod to his statement. "But why were you out here?" I ask re-positioning my self onto the wall. "Had to take an important call," He shrugs, and I nod again.

We both just sit in silence as I take in all the mess that just happened out here. I glance down at the man knocked out a couple feet away. Harry seems to follow my eyes down at him.

"He's fine. Should be up in a matter of minuets," He states, as if appearing to read my mind. "So we should get going," He stands up pushing on his knees as he does so. 

"We?" I question his words. He sighs before explaining. "You're friend in there left with my friend George as soon as you came out here. I answered my call then went back inside only to see Mr.Prince Charming over here run out into this ally. So I followed him. Now we're hear in this bloody situation. And you now have no ride home,"

I grumble before walking back inside, him hot on my heels. When I get inside I see Harry was right. Cassidy left without me to go sleep with someone she barley knew! She's gonna here it from me tomorrow! 

"See babe, I was right," Harry appears behind me. 

"Don't call me babe, I don't know you." I grumble tugging my dress down, now noticing it has risen.

"Then get to know me, let me take you out." I study his face to see he's serious, an actual proposal. 

"No I know boys like you, bad ass boy who gets a girl to like him. But all you wanna do is get in her pants. Then you leave her for some new toy! And all those guys are is fucking dicks!" I spit at him, meaning every word to be harsh.

"Ouch. Might not wanna cuss like that at you're ride home," He grins, lowering his eyes.

"I'd rather walk home in the dark. This night has just begun and it can't get any worse. So what's a half mile walk to me?" And with that I turn around and run out. I stop for a second, take off my heels, and run as far away from his as I can clutching my shoes and purse to my chest. Once I see mine and Cassidy's apartment in the distance I just sprint all the way until I get to the room. 

I open the dumbly mistaken un-locked door, and run past Cassidy's room (Ignoring the noises the best I can) and up to my room. As I flop down onto my  made bed two thoughts pass my mind...

Who is hell is Harry Styles, and why am I interested?

PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS STORY OUT! TELL UR FOLLWERS ANYWHERE! PLEASE IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH! Also can u tell me if u like it for a quick second? thanks so much!

xoxo -Cassidy :)

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