Chapter 12 (bad)

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Jessica’s POV.

“It’s true I felt nothing,” I snap, distancing myself from him.

“Fuck that Jessica!” Harry quickly shoots down my lie.

“You don’t know anything,” I hiss, as my eyes narrow at him.

“That’s the thing darling, I know everything,” His attempt to scare me seems to work, but I don’t let it phase me.

“I’m going,” Is the only solution I can think of as I turn and slam my apartment door open.

“Stop running away, your problems always chase you no matter how far you run” Harry tries to get in a last word and I stop dead in my tracks, his tone is mocking.

My mind is jumbled and my hands start shaking. Where in gods name could he have heard that? It’s impossible; maybe it’s even a coincidence.

As I slowly turn around the damned smirk on Harry’s face lets me know it’s no coincidence. My fists ball at my sides, and my brain tries to form a sentence.

“Bingo,” Harry grins steeping towards me.

“How the hell?” I shout, not even comprehending how Harry knew that quote.

“I told you I know everything,” His smirk is growing by the second and it is scaring me to be honest.

“How did you know my dad said that? You stalked me or something?!” I’m confused but also scared. That phrase was a quote my father would say quite often to me. Where other kids get told I love you, or goodnight, that quote was told to me.

“Secret,” He actually thinks this is not a big deal. I lung forward and grasp his shirt tightly to let him know to me, this is a big deal.

“Fuck Harry!” I yell, my fear being the reason of my actions. How would he know that? My mind can’t even put together a real reason as of now.

“You’re cute when you’re mad,” Harry says.

“This isn’t the fucking time!”

HARRY’S POV WHATTT???? (It’s short)

God she’s hot when she’s mad, her nostrils are flared and her hand is gripped in my shirt. As intimidating-ha- as she is, her eyes tell the truth. The green in them has been dulled and she seems confused, more like she’s scared of how, or why I know that quote.

Of course she’ll never know. It would ruin everything, including my job. (WAHHHHH?  -Cassidy)

“Lucky guess princess,” I say and she snaps her hand back from my shirt before trying to calm down her breathing. I stand there and observe as she slowly simmers down; probably knowing she won’t get anything out of me.

“This isn’t funny,” She points out the always-present smirk on my face. The truth is I’m smirking at the fact of her cluelessness…it’s like a little lost puppy.

“Never said it was,” I cross my arms in an imitating way, and throw my hip out to match her.

“I’m not going to let this go,” Of course you won’t.  I only have a couple options, but not having her talk to me is not one of them.  Telling her is out of the picture, distracting her is good but how? Take her out? Hell if she’d agree to that.

“Come over and I’ll tell you,” I cover up.

“Why can’t you tell me here?” She snaps. “Because it’s a trade for a trade. I want you to come over and you want to know something, so it’s even,” I can picture her mind right now, freaking out, rushing, worrying. And I know she’s dying to know.

I answer for her by extending my hand out for her to come along. However, she just huffs and slides past me. I roll my eyes before quickly pulling out my phone to text Niall.

“Bring all the guys over to my house, I want you all to meet the daughter,” I hit send and slowly walk over to a very impatient Jessica, waiting for Niall’s reply.

“Jessica? Sure man. Why now?”

“Almost blew everything. I was being arrogant and said a quote her parents used to say to her. Hurry up, we’re leaving.”

“Dick! You could have ruined it for all of us. And yeah yeah we’re leaving. Liam has the extra key,”

I slide my phone into my pocket hoping that the girl peeking over my shoulder couldn’t read anything. “Let’s go,” She spits out, slamming the car door open and closed. Shaking my head at her mood I open my door and hop in. I wait until the car is started and running before fighting back. “Don’t be a bitch,” I tell her, referring to her attitude. She crosses her arms over her chest, and huffs loudly.  “I told I wanted to get away from you, and I told you why…and here I am in this damn car with you!’

Her tone of voice and the hand motions she makes leads me to know that me she’s madder at herself than me. Mad at the fact that she can’t follow through with her plans to stay away from me, which would never work for 2 reasons.

1)   She needs me, I excite her and even she knows. There maybe even some feelings…there are; that’s why she’s afraid of getting hurt.

2)   My job.

“Yeah, that wasn’t going to work love,” I smirk at her, resting my hand on her knee gently.  Even under this slight touch I feel her muscles tighten, and her head extends up the slightest bit; she’s nervous. I can read her like a book, maybe even easier.

Jessica’s POV:

God Harry pisses me off. I was pretty damn sure I would never have to deal with him ever again, yet I’m sitting here with his hand on my knee. I need to learn how to stick with a plan. But Harry seems to break down all my plans; with him I’m just so lost and mixed up in my emotions. During a part of my plan of getting away from Styles, there was always a part of me that knew this would happen. Of course I would be here in this situation yet again.

But I can’t help it…well not entirely. I just always end up back into this little game. Anyways back to the scary topic of that quote all I know is it was no couincedence. Part of me just doesn’t want to know, and the other part is at the end of her seat waiting. Agreeing to go back to his home with him was a mistake, because if he wouldn’t tell me at my condo, he won’t tell me at his.

“You’re not going to tell me are you?” I turn to Harry as his buildings come into view. Without any words he just huffs a little, like a slight laugh. “Of course,” I sigh, not really that supirsed.

“You mentioned it once,” He laughs. I what?

“Huh?” I slowly realize I could have said it once.

“Yeah, you mentioned it once to me,” He laughs.

“Fuck!” I scream slamming my hands on his dashboard. “I shouldn’t be here now! Take me home now!” I command him my knuckles clenched.

“Sorry sweets but we’re already here, and we have visitors,” The car suddenly pulls up by the curb and he shuts off the car and turns to me. “The boys are over,” he continues and I sit there wide eyed, my mouth a gap, but then rush out after him after he exits the car. “No way! I’m not being in a room with all of you! You’re all dangerous! I’ll get shot or something!” Being in a room with one of them is crazy, but 5 of them is pure hell.

They are not my kind of people, so this could either go really bad or really…bad. I run up to him and grab on his shirt to slow him down “Are you crazy?” I shout at him.

“Possibly,” He chuckles to himself, causing me to roll my eyes.

I huff loudly before joining him by the front door. Here goes nothing.

OMG ITS BAD! IVE HAD NO TIME LATLEY! SO SORRRY!! Its short to! Anyways, I apologize! I had to force this out in 20 minuets, so its bad! _Cassidy

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