Chapter 13

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Jessica's POV:

"Be nice," Harry commands just as the door pushes open. This was basically all a trick so why would I be nice? Oh yes of course, they could all be in some sort of gang or something.

My hands start to shake a bit as my nerves peak through. I'm in a room with the 5 most known guys in my town. I follow close behind Harry, now using him as a protective device- now seeing that he's the only one in here I trust.

"Hey they're here!" One of them shouts, Liam I believe. All the boys stand to come up to Harry and I, and them just all standing gathered close makes me cling to Harry's shirt. After they all quickly greet Harry they stand back as if waiting for me to also greet them.

"Guys this is Jessica," Harry points to me and I squirm under there eyes.

"Jessica this is Niall, Liam, Louis and you've met Zayn," As he says the part about Zayn his tone is partly mocking.

Honestly I have no idea why they're here, or me for that matter. I should just leave but I'm too afraid of walking home alone, and of Harry causing a scene in front of the guys. Not like I'm worried about what they think, but I don't know- I guess I do.

I'd hope to make a good impression on these guys, but we all know how that will go... I'll end up being a total bitch and then they'll kill me or something. Wow, I am too paranoid.

I glance from their bodies to their eyes in a quick scan but mine get locked on a pair of blue one as they intensively stare back at mine. I feel as if Niall's eyes are locked onto mine and it takes a couple seconds before I turn away.

"Hi," I try and act tough but my voice betrays me.

Liam smirks slightly and turns his head to Zayn and quietly whispers something into his ear, however it's not quiet enough. I can barley make it out but it was along the lines of "Look how scared she is,"

So maybe Harry isn't the only one good at figuring people out.

"Who wouldn't be?" I direct towards Liam, my tone more harsh than implied.

My comment catches him off guard and he steps closer after a few seconds. He shakes his head slightly with a un-know type of smile.

"Idiots. Idiots wouldn't be scared," Liam begins, "but it's a good thing you're smart then eh?" He pokes at me. Wow it's been under a minuet and I'm already scared shitless.

He takes another step, to intimidate me, and it seems to work. I turn my head away from him and glance at Harry for help.

"Liam, no scaring her," He shoots Liam a death glare that seems to speak more than his words.

With a chuckle Liam slowly backs away and apologizes in a phony way. "I'm going to the bathroom," I randomly say before quickly walking away. As I shut the bathroom I quickly shut and lock the door. This will by me some time, but not a lot. Not until one of them comes knocking on the door telling me to get out.

I sit on the rim of the sink counter and fiddle with my thumbs while thinking. I wonder what their jobs are, I mean Harry and Zayn work together so what about the rest of the boys? They most likely all are working together.

But as what? A gang? Drug dealers? Killers? I can't just flat out ask, so I'll just have to dig around. Peek on their phones, follow I seem like a stalker. In my defense, I'm always around Harry so I would like to know what he works as.

My mind keeps racing a million miles an hour with every scenario possible thing that could happen until there is a rapid knock on the door. It keeps getting louder and it's so annoying I yank the door open just to get it to stop.

"Harry je-" I stop my sentence when I'm met with blonde hair not curly brown.

"Just me here," Niall smiles, a real smile. No smirk, just smile.

"Oh, sorry. Why are you here?" I question straightening out my top. "They wanted me to bring you out. You were in here for about 10 minuets so far," He laughs a little at the time I have spent just sitting in here.

"Oh okay, I'll get out now," I really don't want to deny this boy of following him, because I am still unsure of Niall so I don't want to upset him.

"After you," He steps aside and waits for me to exit the bathroom. "Why are you being nice?" I question as my eyebrows draw together. "Why not?" He smiles and leads me out.

Hm. Maybe he is my favorite. Not that I tolerate any of them, but I despise him the I guess that counts for something.

As we enter the living room all those boys' eyes are on us. I turn towards Niall, my fear noticeable on my face.

"Don't let them scare you, everything's okay," Niall slowly whispers in my ear giving me a little bit of reassurance. I take a step forward towards the couch where Harry angrily sits, his eyes burning holes in Niall.

He probably thinks he is trying to flirt with me, but Niall is just being kind. Which after being around Harry is a breath of fresh air.

I sit down next to Harry and almost immediately his arm is slung around my shoulder, pulling me in close. "Loosen up," I chirp in Harrys ear. He doesn't respond back, but rather just keeps his gaze on the television along with the rest of the boys. His grip doesn't lighten up (not surprising- he never listens), so I am just forced to watch the show that is playing loudly through out the home.

Around a half hour later Louis turns to face the rest of the boys before speaking, "We need to think of something to do," Thank you, I mentally thank Louis as he finally interrupts the boring show.

"There's not much to do around here," I inform him.

"That's not true," Right away Zayn fires down my accusation.

"Then name something," I challenge back, firming up my position.

"There's a lot to do, just not all of us would enjoy them," Niall decides to pipe in.

"Well someone think of something, we can't just sit around here forever on a Saturday," Louis stands from his spot on the chair across the room and walks over to us.

Everyone just sits in silence thinking ideas for something to do, but I just think of all the ways to get out of this. So far family dinner (Remember she told Harry she didn't see her family anymore) and not feeling well are out. I'll think of anything before I have to go out with all these guys.

"Guys I think I have an idea," Harry smirks at all the guys, and they must have also thought of the same thing because they all exchange a happy glace. However I just sit there wondering what on earth he though of.

Sorry it's a filler! I have no time latley becasue I started voulnteering and Water Polo so I have 0 time! SO im trying to squeeze these in!

Thanks! :)


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