I Don't Mind (I)

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Isaac was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't know where he was going; he just let his legs walk and subconsciously decide where to take him, because he didn't want to face the reality that he had no real place to call home. There was his old house a few blocks back, empty and abandoned, waiting for him to return one day. The house was untouched after his father's death; the scars were still too fresh to contemplate moving in and changing things. His father's scent still lingered about the place, triggering painful memories that Isaac tried to keep locked away in the part of his brain that wouldn't remember them.

Like Derek throwing him out, telling him that it's too difficult to look after both him and Cora. That really surprised him, because Isaac tried his best to keep out of Derek's hair and Derek knew how badly Isaac had been let down by his father. Derek fucking knew this, but he still threw him out, he let him down too. And when Isaac asked him why, when Isaac asked for the reason, Derek just exploded, triggering another memory. The last ever memory Isaac has of his father, of his father erupting and throwing a glass at him, not caring if he maimed or missed. Isaac could react, but there was nothing he could do; Derek is stronger, just like his father was always stronger. Isaac just closed his eyes and wiped away the tear that was falling down his cheek. He picked up his bag of belongings – a single bag, a single fucking bag of the things that belonged to him in his seventeen years on the planet. If things weren't so hopelessly tragic, he would probably start to laugh.

Isaac started running and thoughts began racing around his brain. Images and sounds merged into one. His father yelling words at him, the sounds of his friends as they were hurt, the hatred in peoples' eyes, the whispers of people in school. Isaac just wanted to block it out, to forget, to have a reason to forget.

"Isaac, what's the matter? Is everything all right?"

Isaac opened his eyes and found himself outside Scott's house. Melissa McCall was standing at the doorstep with a cup of tea and a magazine in one hand and a smile on her face. He didn't realise where he was headed and he didn't know why he was here of all places. Sure Scott and he had formed a bond and he trusted Scott, but what if Stiles was here? What if Scott told him to go away?

"You know what? I think you should come in; you're drenched and probably freezing. Go on upstairs, Scott is in his room finishing off homework and he has plenty of clothes you can borrow." She smiled warmly again and reached out her hand to pull him inside.

Isaac just looked at her and tried not to cry, she was such a sweet lady. She petted his cheek and pointed to the stairs. Isaac took the steps two at a time and walked slowly through the hall before reaching Scott's door. He knocked twice, unsure of what to do next. Knots twisted in his stomach as he thought about Scott's possible reaction.

"Come in, mom" Scott called, shutting down his laptop and turning round at the same time that the door opened.

"Not exactly" Isaac whispered with a small smile on his face.

"Isaac! What's wrong? You're soaked" Scott nearly shouted in surprise.

"Long story and I really don't want to talk about it right now. Can I stay here tonight... would that be okay?" Isaac asked, his voice soft and his eyes broken.

Scott felt his heart break as Isaac asked those last four words.

"Of course you can, don't be stupid. Here, have these," he threw a shirt and jeans on the bed, "The water is warm so you can have a shower."

Isaac nodded and made his way to the bathroom, leaving the clothes on the bed. Scott noticed he left them and walked to the bathroom, but the sound of running water stopped him. He turned round and bumped into his mom.

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