Youre My Blessing

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Chapter 2

Training at the Hale house becomes easier over time. Isaac has barely gotten any one on one learning time down with Scott, but just the fact that Scott is willing to teach him is enough to give Isaac that extra boost. Peter notices, at least, mostly since he is usually the one showing Isaac the ropes.

Derek watches and shouts instructions every now and then, but he mostly flips through a free copy of For Rent. At Peter's request, they are looking for a townhome for their ragtag pack. Since it's just the three of them, and Peter is starved for comfort, Derek begrudgingly looks for a place to stay other than the remains of a house that could collapse at any second and an old railroad depot that is on the waiting list for demolition.

More than ever, Isaac feels like he's stuck between two parents that have long since been divorced but are forced together because of a new child. The irony is not lost on him.

Spring is coming faster than they all realize. Soon Isaac and Scott and Stiles are shedding their hoodies and making do with their T-shirts. The air between the three of them becomes easier and more relaxed. Scott and Isaac fall into a routine with their strange training regime.

Stiles has noticed a significant change in the two of them, and takes it upon himself to let them know at every opportunity.

"Stop smiling so much, Isaac. It creeps me out," Stiles teases one day after school. Their afternoons are no longer filled with lacrosse now that the final is over. The three of them should really be studying for academic finals but the weather is too nice and the unanticipated tests seem so far away. They have taken to piling in the Jeep together and staying at Scott's house until darkness falls or until either Stiles or Isaac is called away by Derek. On numerous occasions, Stiles drives Isaac back to the Hale house under the pretext that he needs to discuss things with Derek about the alpha pack, or that he has a lead on a good apartment. Isaac is just thankful for the ride.

The three of them are sitting about Scott's room. Stiles is fixing the netting on his lacrosse stick and Scott and Isaac are cross-legged on the bed facing each other as if they are trying to meditate. Isaac's eyes are closed but when Stiles speaks he cracks one open to look at him. "I can't help it. This place smells like home."

"Oh my god," Stiles all but rolls his eyes. "I swear if you didn't have super wolf powers, I would just hit you with this," he holds up the lacrosse stick. "In fact, maybe I will anyway." He swings the stick at Isaac who blocks it easily. It's a testament to his friendship with Stiles that he doesn't snap the stick. Stiles gives him a teasing grimace. "Yeah, yeah...." He says, pulling his stick back.

"Stop it, you two," Scott says, his eyes still closed. "I'm trying to teach."

"Ohhhhhoho!" Stiles catcalls a bit, grinning at his friends. He exchanges a quick glance with Isaac. "What have you done to my best friend? He's doing homework. Well, werewolf homework, but still. Homework."

"I just really want Isaac to learn, okay?" Scott says, finally opening his eyes. "Why is that so bad?"

"Because," Stiles goes back to threading the strings on the head of his lacrosse stick, "It's weird. You're weirding me out."

Isaac just grins and pats Scott on the knee to grab his attention. "Come on, let's do that thing again. I think I finally got it."

"Okay," Scott closes his eyes again and holds out his hands. Isaac raises his own hands and they hover over Scott's but only just barely. They have been working on this exercise for a while, now, and it is one of Isaac's favorites. It's a guilty pleasure for him and he's not sure if Scott even realizes it or not. He's long since mastered the technique, but if it means sitting close with Scott and getting a feel for him with total permission, Isaac is completely on board.

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