Youre My Blessing

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It's decided then. Youre my Blessing will be continued here until it's finished. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy guys! Remember to vote comments and share 💕🎉


Chapter 4

Everything seems to change overnight.

After Scott made the decision to join the pack the night before, making any proper plans on how to deal with the alpha pack turned out to be a moot point, especially since Peter left so abruptly. He didn't return for the rest of the night. It wasn't until Scott and Stiles finally left that Isaac brought Peter's absence up with Derek. Derek didn't seem too concerned over the disappearance. He told Isaac in as little words as possible that Peter could take care of himself and he would return when he felt he was good and ready.

Despite outward appearances, Derek didn't seem to trust Peter completely just yet—and Isaac could tell that even Scott didn't feel too comfortable around the older man. Isaac has only ever known Peter as he is now—a sarcastic but helpful jerk who happens to know a hell of a lot more about the modern age and technology than his nephew. It didn't escape his notice that Derek left an hour or so after Scott and Stiles. Isaac could only assume it was to check up on Peter.

When Isaac wakes the next morning, he feels refreshed and strong and he wonders if having two alphas does that to a wolf—or maybe it's the fact that he's now pack-bound with Scott. Either way, he barely notices that Peter still hasn't come home. He only notes vaguely that Derek is home and he's still asleep.

As Isaac gets ready for school alone, he suddenly panics. He's not even sure what he can expect at school. How is he supposed to act? What does he say? Nothing really seemed to change dynamics-wise last night, but with a new day brings new perspective. Isaac's already learned that lesson.

Just as Isaac is making sure the front door is locked, he hears the squeal of bad brakes and turns around to see the McCall's beat-up family car pull up into the community parking lot.

Scott rolls down his window and tilts his head toward the passenger seat. "Mom's off today, so I get to take the car to school. Get in."

"Really?" Isaac's eyes light up and to signify his complete and utter excitement over getting the chance to ride to school with Scott, he runs toward the car and jumps clear over the hood to the passenger side instead of running around to get to the door like a normal person. He slides inside and lets his backpack rest on his lap and he shoots Scott a wide grin. The McCall family car is small, and with Isaac's tall frame, his curls just brush the top of the roof if he sits up too straight, so he slumps a bit and adjusts the collar of his leather jacket. "This beats running any day," he says.

Scott pulls out of the lot and heads for the school, "You run every day?"

"Every day."

"That's a bit far, isn't it? Why doesn't Derek take you?" Scott frowns.

Isaac snorts a bit and leans his head back on the headrest. "Derek hardly ever lets anyone ride in that thing. See? First day on the job and you're already a better alpha."

"I wouldn't say that," Scott says dismissively, but he's smiling anyway. "Derek knows more about being in a pack and werewolves and all of that."

"But you know more about being a friend," Isaac points out. "Which really isn't all that different. For someone who grew up in a family of werewolves, Derek sure has a strange handle on what he calls pack dynamics." Isaac is pretty sure it's more of a personality flaw rather than know-how.

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