Youre My Blessing

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Chapter 3

When Isaac wakes up the next morning, he feels stupid. The phrase, "Everything will look brighter in the morning," has never applied to him more than it does right now.

He rubs his eyes and fluffs his fingers through his curls and nearly laughs himself hoarse into his pillow. He knows that if Derek and Peter are in the house they can hear it and it probably makes him look silly, but he doesn't care.

Because what the hell kind of mindset was he in last night? To think that Scott was in love with Stiles of all people. Sure Stiles is good looking. Isaac finds he quite admires those large brown eyes, but there's a pair of brown eyes he finds so much more attractive. Scott and Stiles have been friends for years, haven't they? Everyone in school knows them as the dynamic duo. There's no way those two are anything but brothers.

Isaac rolls out of bed and slowly gets himself ready for school. It's a Wednesday and that means absolutely nothing. Finals don't start until next week, but the end of the school year buzz has already set upon the students. Isaac makes a mental list of everything he still needs to get ready by next week, including everything Scott needs to get ready, because in spite of whatever the hell happened last night, Isaac is still determined to get Scott some good grades for once. They've had a very dry spell on the drama front lately, and Isaac is starting to think maybe that's why his own mind is creating drama for him.

Derek is downstairs making breakfast which is unusual. Isaac blinks the sleep from his eyes and steals a glance at his cell phone to check the time. "The full moon isn't for another week and a half," he says sleepily. "Post moon breakfast is a bit early don't you think?"

Apparently, it was tradition in the Hale household to have a big breakfast after the full moon started to wane. Despite the fact that usually Derek's family had had a nice, tasty meal of rabbits or other game, the shift always made them hungry in the morning whenever they finally woke up. While wolves may not appreciate pancakes, the human form certainly did. When Peter made it clear that he was back and back to stay—not just to lurk and offer advice, the breakfasts started again. Derek wouldn't talk about them, but Peter would. In fact, Peter usually cooked them. So why was Derek...?

"We need to talk," Derek says, attempting to flip a pancake and failing so that it just folds over on itself a third over. Isaac moves to sit at the table.

"I'm going to be late."

"I'll drive you."

Isaac doesn't want to pass up a ride in the Camaro so he lets his back pack drop. "What's up?"

Derek looks uncomfortable and like he's been forced to have this conversation by someone. Isaac briefly wonders who. "You've been improving."

Isaac raises his eyebrows in surprise. Derek never compliments him. About anything. His training sessions are often filled with negative responses and more pain. If something does go right, he responds with silence. It's either bad reinforcement or nothing at all. Isaac lights up a little at the praise.

"Don't get let it get to your head. I know Scott is teaching you."


"So..." Derek looks at him like he thinks Isaac should be catching on by now. "Has he decided to join?"

Of course this conversation is going to be about that. Isaac shakes his head. "I don't know. We haven't talked about it. I thought you were done caring if he was a part of this pack or not?"

Derek's face screws up into an expression Isaac can't quite place. The faint smell of burning wafts up from the stove and Derek quickly removes the pancake and starts to pour the batter for another one. "I don't need to remind you how small this pack is. Strength in numbers."

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