Youre My Blessing - Final Chapter

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Chapter Nine

By the time Melissa McCall opens the door to Scott's room, Scott has already lifted the window for Isaac to escape and shut it.

Isaac hasn't had the chance to really even grab any of his things so he's basically running into the woods in just his boxers at six thirty in the morning on a weekday. It's not a good situation.

He finds that running on all fours is much faster and it doesn't tear the soles of his feet on the rocks and twigs on the forest floor. He keeps his mind clear of everything because if he so much as thinks about what kind of mess he could be getting himself into, he'll lose himself again.

When Isaac finally reaches Happy Meadows, he stays near the back of the complex and waits for a clear opening. As residents climb into their cars to go to work, the last thing Isaac needs is for someone to see a pale white blur run by.

On a list of top ten things Isaac never wants to do ever, ever again, this has got to take the cake.

Once he makes it to the front door, he freezes. So much for keeping their relationship a secret until they can tell everyone together. He doesn't have his key because it's back at Scott's house in his jeans and he doesn't have his phone because that's at Scott's too. He really didn't think this through. The only thing that ran through his mind at the time was that he was supposed to be home hours ago and that Scott's mom was going to kill him. Rather than face the obstacle, he bolted.

Gathering his courage as best he can, he slumps a little, as if making himself smaller will ease the embarrassment and knocks on the door. He grimaces when he finally hears someone shuffling on the other side. A disheveled and very tired Boyd opens the door while rubbing the sleep form his eyes.

"Seriously?" Boyd asks, taking in the sight before him. His nostrils flare and Isaac knows he can smell every last secret. Isaac wants to shrivel into a little ball. He curses his lanky features and stature. Even standing next to Boyd he feels too tall.

Isaac shoves past him quickly, praying Boyd is the only person awake in the house this early in the morning. Boyd laughs from behind him, shutting the door and shaking his head, "You are in so much trouble."

Isaac doesn't want to hear it. He doesn't want to acknowledge the situation. He just wants to crawl into his bed and hide until he can figure this all out.

He doesn't get to catch a break when he reaches his bedroom. Every intention he has to wrap himself in his comforter is thrown to the wind because Erica is lying in his bed curled up and comfortable. Isaac has half a mind to crawl in bed with her, but he doesn't get far before he realizes she's clearly awake and glaring at him.

"Well good morning sunshine," she says, smirking a little. She makes a big show out of how comfortable the bed is and stretches obscenely. Isaac has never been on the receiving end of her evil nature and he finds he really doesn't like it. "Your bed is so much softer than the couch and you weren't coming home so I-" she pauses, sniffs the air, and proceeds to crinkle her nose in disgust. "You reek of sex and Scott. Go take a shower."

Isaac would normally shove his hands in his pockets and grumble, but he has no pockets to speak of at the moment so he folds his arms around his sides and hugs himself. It's best to feign innocence in times of need, right? "Really?" Oh, who is he kidding.

Before Erica can continue to tease him, the knob to Derek's room turns and Stiles opens the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He's holding up a buzzing cell phone. "Is there a reason why Scott is calling me off the hook?" he yawns.

Isaac's hands twitch, eager to take the phone from Stiles' hands. He needs to talk to Scott. He wants to make sure everything is okay. What did his mom say? How is Isaac going to retrieve his possessions? What the hell are they going to do?

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