14- Flowers Have Their Own Language

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Scarlet was like a hostile lioness at the moment, as she roamed the house aimlessly, destroying her health with tons of Cola. Turns out that this was her way of coping with hurt.

While on the other side of her, Lauren was doing her very best in leaving Scarlet alone. She was even thoughtful in not even showing the dark-haired, her face. This was Lauren's way of coping.

And on the sidelines, Juliet and Blake were confused as to what occurred between the two that brought this much distance in-between them.

Before last night, they were finding it hard to even stay a few inches apart from each other, and now here they were, trying hard to maintain distance.

According to Blake, the bachelor party was wonderful and everyone had fun. And according to Juliet and the rest of the Payne women, the bachelorette party only consisted of 'board games and empowering women songs'.

"So, you guys just listened to Beyoncé and Spice girls?" Blake asked as he arched an eyebrow for special effect. "Yes." Juliet sipped her coffee as she stared at Lauren from across the dining room table, who was swirling a fork around her fried eggs.

"All night long?" Blake asked in disbelief as he took a bite of his toast. "Mmhm. A whole night of Beyoncé and Spice Girls, who runs the world?"

"Sweet." Juliet rolled her eyes at her simple-minded cousin.

"And so, what happened in lover's paradise?" Blake brought his voice to a low volume as he spoke in Juliet's ear.

The red head shrugged as she kept staring at the blonde woman play with her breakfast.

The Payne family members were all asleep and the only ones awake in the whole house were Blake, Juliet, Lauren and Scarlet, and one of them was busy wandering around the house while drowning herself in a certain dark brown liquid.

"I have no idea." Juliet muttered as she took another sip of her coffee. Lauren, who had a certain dark-haired woman on her mind, had lost her appetite after frying the eggs.

And now, she was just playing around with them, hoping for them to disappear themselves from her line of sight.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Lauren was brought out of her thoughts as she looked up at Blake, who was glancing from the fried eggs to the blonde woman. For a moment, she was confused as to what he had implied, but then her brain began to work properly.

"Yeah, sure." She pushed the plate towards Blake, who smiled gratefully at the blonde.

"Hog." Juliet muttered as she rolled her eyes.

Blake had chosen to ignore Juliet's remarks as he began to eat Lauren's breakfast. "I need some air." Lauren spoke abruptly as she stood up from the chair and turned to walk out the kitchen door frame.

At the door, she halted her steps as she watched the person on her mind descending from the stairs. Scarlet saw the way Lauren's face left all color and she quickly turned 180 degrees and walked the other way.

"I'll just walk in the backyard then." The blonde muttered under her breath as she changed her route and went over to the glass door separating the kitchen from the backyard.

When she had completely left the kitchen, Scarlet entered with two empty Cola bottles and a sour expression. "Morning." She grunted as she noticed her two favorite cousins sitting at the dinner table.

"Uh, morning." Blake grunted back with a sly smile while Juliet giggled. Scarlet could only manage to roll her eyes as she went over to the fridge to get some more Cola. Her eyes trailed to the backyard door through which she could see the blonde woman pacing around but she quickly averted her eyes as to not seem like a creep.

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