2- Wrap Your Arms Around Me

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"Do you need anything else?" The air hostess asked Lauren with a smile plastered on her face. Lauren replied with a shake of her head.

The air hostess left Lauren to her thoughts as she looked out of the plane, at the clouds.

The pilot had announced that they would be arriving in Greenville in half an hour, Lauren was scared of what Scarlet might say about this but she knew that it wouldn't be nice.

Even if Lauren treated Scarlet with respect, she was still the sister of the man that slept with Scarlet's girlfriend, and this made Lauren a little scared.

Scarlet was sat in her old house, on her old couch, in front of her old parents, with a frown on her face.

"I can't believe that Vanessa is getting married and you didn't even send me an invite." She was pissed off to say the least as her parents smiled apologetically at her. She rolled her eyes at them, when Vanessa entered the living room, talking to her fiancee on Skype.

"Say hi to mom and dad, Kevin." Vanessa spoke happily as she brought her phone in front of her parents, completely ignoring her younger and only sister.

"Hi, Kevin." Laura, Mrs. Payne, greeted with a smile and a wave as she wanted to avoid the awkward situation with her younger daughter at best.

Mr Payne, Andrew, followed his wife's lead as he greeted Kevin with an overly excited tone of voice, making it obvious that he disliked the man.

Vanessa took the phone away from her parents faces and began to make kissy faces at her fiance, through her phone.

Scarlet had no energy left to even discuss about this with her parents anymore, so she just got off the couch with an angry look.

"I'm just gonna be in my room." She grumbled as she began to take her luggage upstairs but was stopped by her parents' voice.

"About that....." Her father paused as he nudged his wife to explain, while Scarlet stood impatiently on the first step of the stairs.

"Vanessa is staying in your room." Laura spoke with an apologetic smile, the fiftieth one in the last three hours.

"I'll take the guest room, then." Scarlet spoke, controlling her anger.

"Yeah, that's for your relatives that are coming for Van's wedding." Laura played with her fingers as the same smile stayed on her face, while Scarlet went red.

"Great, where am I gonna go now?" Scarlet questioned as she looked at her parents with a glare.

"Oh, you can stay with me in my room." Vanessa spoke from the recliner as she still had her cellphone in her hand.

'Not your room, my room.' Scarlet bitterly thought as she gave her sister a tight lipped smile before climbing up the stairs to go to Vanessa's room. 

The cab driver gave Lauren her change before he drove off, while Lauren straightened up to look at the medium sized house colored white while all the other houses on the street were sky blue.

She dragged her bag by the wheels to the front door and rang the bell with sweaty hands. She didn't know why she was so afraid of what might happen. She quickly wiped her hands on her dress that she also straightened out nervously.

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