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I didn't know why but I had the urge to do something. I didn't know what. I was sitting on my chair. Thinking. "Max. You wanna come to lunch"Adam asked. I shook my head.

He nodded. I got up and walked to Reds office. He was there. "Hey Max"he said. "You ok"he asked. I nodded. I looked at him. "Max your kinda scaring me"he said.

I looked down. What's going on. "Dude. Can you hear me"he asked. I nodded. "Please say something "he said. I took a deep breathe.

"Sorry"I said. He looked at me. I felt my legs become weak. I fell. He ran to me. "Max"he said. I looked at him. "What's going on"I said. "I don't know. Come on let's get you to my chair"he said. I nodded.

He helped me up. Then sat me on the chair. "Can you feel your legs "he asked. I nodded. "I guess. I just don't know what's happening "I said.

He nodded. He then started walking to the door. I grabbed his arm. He looked at me. "Don't leave. Please"I said. He nodded.

I stood up. "You good "he asked. I didn't do anything. I just looked at him. I realized I let his hand go. He started to turn around again. But I grabbed his hand and turned his around.

And kissed him. He kissed back. He put his arms around my neck. After a few minutes we backed up. "What was that"he asked. I shook my head. "Don't know"I said.

He chuckled. I smiled. "You should head back to your station. So people don't see this"he said. I backed up. "Why"I asked. "Max I didn't mean it like that"he said. "How did you mean it"I asked.

"Get out please"he said. I shook my head and left. I bumped into Ross. "Dude you ok"he asked. I didn't answer. I just kept walking to my station.

Then got back to work.

I kicked one of the tables. "CRAP "I yelled. I shook my head. I fell to the ground. What did I do. I felt like crying. But I didn't.

I looked down. "Is my man of honour crying "Madison asked. She sat by me. "I messed up"I said.

"How"she asked. I gave her a look. "Your gonna hate me"I said. "I'm not gonna hate you"she said.

Third person

"MICHAEL "Madison yelled at Red. Everyone and I mean everyone heard. Even the people next door. I mean the building next door.


She was standing up. "You screwed up. Big time. Why would you do that. He loves you and you love him. Why do people have to do this. Be mad at each other without talking it out. And look what you did. He kissed you and you said that.  Red I am very disappointed in you. You guys should've talked a long time ago. I should've said screw it. And made you guys talk. "She said.

My mouth was open. "I mean I know he's hurt. But Red you left Eren for him. And let me tell you something Eren is hot. Max is ok but Eren oh my god. If I wasn't engaged to Ross I would be chasing that. Come on Red think"she said.

"Dang"I whispered. "I'm done. You two are going to be better people. Mostly towards each other. Got it"she said. I did nothing. "GOT IT"she yelled. I nodded.

"Good. Now I'm gonna go yell at Max. Get back to work"she left. I nodded. I saw everyone looking at me. "Go back to work before she comes back"I said. They ran off. I nodded.

I'm done. I look at Max. "If your gonna yell at me. Don't. "He said. I gave him a look. "Fine"he said. I smiled.

Let's do this.

Redzan:FoundWhere stories live. Discover now