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I woke up to my phone buzzing. I answered it. "Hello"I said. "Red I'm all ready"Madison said. I looked at my alarm clock.

"Madison I'm glad your ready but call me in about five hours"I said. "Why"she asked. "Madison. Sweetie it's two in the morning. Wedding isn't until nine and we don't get ready until seven. "I said.

"Oh. Sorry"she said. I let out a yawn. "It's ok. Just go back to sleep"I said. "Got it. Bye"she said. I set my phone down.

I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.


I woke up six fifty. I smiled and got ready. Then I was off.

During the drive I got a text. I looked at it.

Max-Madison wouldn't go back to sleep

I smiled. I looked up and turned right. I then pressed the voice thingy.


I then set my phone down. And after one left and straight for about two minutes I was here. I got out and knocked on the door.

Madison answered. She had her makeup on. "Hey beautiful "I said. She smiled. Then we walked to her and Ross's room.

I saw Em. Jess. And some others girls. And her sister Mary. She didn't look to happy. "Hey ladies"I said. They all smiled. Mary rolled her eyes.

"I don't think she likes me"I whispered to Madison. "She is just mad cause I uninvited my dad "she said. I nodded.

"Why"I asked. "When everyone left he came back and tried to make Ross not marry me. I saw and said don't even show up "she said.

"I'm sorry"I said. She shrugged her shoulders. "Who's gonna walk me down the isle "she asked. I smiled. "I have an idea. "I said. She smiled.


It was 8:50. Everyone was sitting down and everyone in the wedding was ready. Madison started freaking out. I looked at her. "Hey. Calm down. "I said. "What if he says no"she asked.

"We both know that's not gonna happen "I said. "Who's walking me down the isle"she asked. The bridesmaids started walking.

It was my turn. I grabbed one of her friends. "You'll see"I said. We walked down. Ross was looking for Max. He mouthed "where is Max".

I smiled. I let go of the girls arm and she walked to her spot. I was in my spot.

I pointed to Madison.

I looked at her. "Madison "I said. "Max. What are you doing. "She asked. "I know I'm not your dad. But your mom and red asked me to do this. "I said. She hugged me.

"Thank you Max"she said. I nodded. Then we walked down. I saw people smiling. And some pictures. And I heard people crying.

I then handed her hand to Ross's. I smiled. Ross said thanks and I went to my spot. Then it started.

"We are gathered here today. To celebrate the wedding of Ross (last name). And Madison Gold. "The lady said.

"Love. Is something lots have. And as we can see. These two have it. And they will keep it. Love is a bond that will stay forever. "She said.

"I do know that the two have vows. Ross. You go first"she said. Ross smiled.

"Madison when I met you three years ago. I knew I loved you. I didn't care that you couldn't have kids. But now you can. I didn't care that you scared other girls away. "He smiled. "I knew I loved you. All of you. I promise to protect you and Sylvie Forever "he said.

She smiled. "Madison "the lady said. "Ross when I met you I was worried you were like the others. But you weren't. You helped me. You helped me make great friends. Get a job. Having a baby. And marry you. I don't care that my dad hates you. "She started crying.

"I love you. And I am glad to marry my best friend. And have a beautiful little girl soon. "She said.

Everyone clapped. "Now. Ross do you take Madison to have and to hold. In sickness and in health. Till death do you part"the lady asked.

"I do"he said. "Madison do you take Ross to have and to hold. In sickness and in health. Till death do you part"the lady asked.

"I do"Madison said. "By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"the lady said.

Then they kissed. Everyone clapped. I smiled. I saw Red. He had a big smile.

Then everyone started walking. I was with Red. "Hey"I said. He smiled. "Hey"he said. I kissed his forehead. "Heh"he laughed.


Then everyone was sitting down at tables. People in the wedding at one big one. I was by Ross. And red was on the other side of Madison.

"So I think a lot of people have stuff to say so I'm going to hand the mic to this man "the guys said.

Then one by one people were saying. Stuff. Then it was my turn. I stood. "Ross and me have known each other for about seven years. And he is my brother. "I said.

"I know he has a real brother. Like blood. Related. But he is mine. Best friends. I couldn't imagine my life without this goof. "I said. He smiled.

"And then this beautiful young lady. Just made him smile like I couldn't. Laugh. I never saw him anger at her"I said.

"I may have hated her at first. But I can tell. You guys will have a great life together. I love you man"I said. He smiled.

"Your turn"I said. He laughed. He stood up. "I don't really know what to say. Just that I love this woman. And I never want her to leave me. I will never leave you"he said.

"Beat that"he said. Everyone laughed. She stood up. And kissed him. "Just did. Red your turn"she said. Everyone laughed again.

"I have only known Madison for a few months. But this woman is my best friend. And I love her. She has been with me through hard times in the last few months. And I can never thank her enough. "Red said. She smiled.

"I am thankful to Ross for bringing this woman to the office that day. Our world would be different if she never went that day"Red said.

"I am thankful that I can call this woman my friend and that I can call the baby. Sylvie My niece. "He said.

"I'm glad you married this man. He's good for you. And he's gonna make you happy. "He said. "I love you Madison. I hope you know that"he said. She hugged him. Then other spoke.

Then it was time for dancing. It was a slow dance for the people in the wedding. I walked up to red.

"May I have this dance"I asked. "You certainly may"he said. Then we started dancing.


The wedding was over and people started leaving. I was standing where they got married. "Hey"Red said. I smiled.

"Hey"he said. I smiled. "They're married "I said. He nodded. "I'm happy for them"he said. "I am to"I said. He grabbed my hands. I smiled.

"What are you doing "I asked. "Dancing"he said. I smiled. He spun me. "Smooth"I said. He laughed. Then we just looked at each other.

"Red I am so sorry. "He said. "I am to"I said. "I really. Really care about you "he said. I smiled. "Say it "I said. He gave a confused look.

"You know what I mean"I said. He smiled. "You sure. You kinda freaked out last time. "He said. I put my arms around his neck. "Last time didn't count. "I said.

He smiled. "Positive "he asked. Our lips barely touching. "Positive "I whispered. I smiled.

"I love you"he whispered. I smiled. Then leaned in and kissed him. It was a real kiss. Not like the others.

It was love. I backed away. "You gonna say it"he asked. "I love you to"I said. He smiled and kissed me again.

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