the consequences

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Jake and jinx had gotten out guitars and were playing a slow song Andy was sipping his coffee in the corner, I walked over to him, he looked shocked to see me ”what do you do in the band?” Andy smiled at me “I sing, are you any good at singing” I blushed “no, I used to sing to some of the kids that I uh, used to know, but I haven’t in a while now” CC was looking over at me, confused, “okay, lets see if you’ve been paying attention, what does CC play?” I hadn’t been told, I wondered what was missing, “umm” I saw Juliet making gestures with her hands, almost as if she were hitting something “DRUMS!” I almost shouted, the band laughed and Andy looked at juliet, “you cheater” he said, I smiled at juliet, and she winked at me, I really liked her, but I couldn’t afford to get to close, so I looked at CC and he smiled, I laughed and went quiet.

“CC!” shouted juliet “what have you done to this girl, she looks like a dude!” she said hitting CC on the shoulder with her purse, as she walked over to me, “you need some nicer clothes” she put her arm around me “I’m going to go shopping for you! Yay shopping” I smiled at her but I didn’t know if she wanted me to come with her, I hoped not, I looked over a CC “yeah but I don’t think you should take India with you though” said CC “I practically had to pin her down to get her into those clothes, she’s really fussy” thank god  “okay, I prefer shopping on my own anyway, what size are you?” “uh a small I think” phew, I was of the hook, I was not going to get off the bus until we were in north America.

The rest of the day passed without major trouble, Ashley chased Jake around for a while after Jake said that he was no good with women, I took it as a hint not to insult Ashley as I watched him take “down” Jake outside the bus, only one more day to go before we leave, I thought as I climbed into my bunk, juliet was going shopping for me tomorrow and I was going to see if CC could get me something for my cut. I fell asleep quickly and I didn’t wake up until the morning.

I woke up, and felt something tap my shoulder, I practically jumped out of my skin, I had jumped backwards which meant I had banged my head on the ceiling “FUCK” I shouted, CC laughed, “I’m going to go to the store, Ill help you when I get back, is there anything specific, “umm… bandages, iodine maybe and I don’t know, but wait, wont this cost money?” he laughed “yeah that’s how the world works, silly” he frowned “don’t worry it will be fine, it wont cost to much and you’ll be helping out on the bus so it will all be fine!”  “Okay” he smiled, winked and walked away, I smiled slightly once he was gone and got out of my bunk, I walked into the bathroom, and I sat on the toilet with the lid down. Focusing on my breathing, in and out, in and out, I was letting this get to my head, I had to remember to stay alert, at least until we get out of Mexico, we were leaving at 6pm later that day, not long to go, I washed my face and ran my fingers through my hair, straightened out my clothes and exited the bathroom. I didn’t want to go to the front of the bus where I could hear the boys making breakfast and I sat in the back of the bus, I sat and watched the people walk down the street, they didn’t look too friendly, I lay down on the floor and looked up at the ceiling, It was made of  a mirror-like glass, I pulled up my top to look at my stomach, my ribs showed through worse that a month ago, I breathed and tried to blow out my stomach, shit, I was gripped with serious pain, I had torn the cut again, shit, I hoped CC would be here soon, I could feel the pain spreading to my front, I curled in pain and closed my eyes, I must have fallen asleep as I woke when Andy came into the room, he turned around and closed the door behind him, but I was already awake, I decided to eat something, I knew that CC would probably hold true to his promise and force feed me and so I decided to ask the guys if there was anything I could eat, I stood and pulled down my top, I walked out and walked into the front of the bus.

“Did I wake you?” said Andy as I walked in

“No” I sat down on the sofa and noticed Jake and Jinxx sitting opposite me, “I’m sorry for falling asleep in there, I didn’t mean to, you can use it now”

“wait you fell asleep in the games room?” Jake laughed “that’s a weird thing to do, anyway, you haven’t eaten in a while do you want me to make you something?” he asked, I shook my head, no. but I did say that I would make myself something if they didn’t mind, they waved me on to do whatever, I walked over to the small counter, there wasn’t much food and it was all fairly old, I went for some  sushi that looked fairly decent, I had never had it so I didn’t want to seem rude and not eat it all once I had had a bite and almost gagged, I kept eating until I said I was full, I had only eaten 3 pieces but I already felt ill, I placed the sushi back and sat on the sofa, “you know that’s been in there for like a week right” said Jinxx from the opposite side of the bus, I suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up into the toilet, I didn’t stop for ages and even then I still continued to gag.


I walked a mile or two before coming across a chemists, I got a few strange looks from the cashier and some of the customers but I was used to it, I walked over to the bandages, I picked up a few packs, I didn’t know how long it would take to heal, I grabbed some iodine and some other things, I reckoned that India was in pain but just wasn’t telling me, for some reason I felt very worried about her, I had to know why she had cut herself, I would remind her when I got back. She seemed to fit in well, Juliet and the gang seemed to like her, I tried to hurry, but I couldn’t read the Spanish instructions on a packet so I spent half an hour reading Spanish gibberish, I bought it anyway and went back to the bus, the walk took a while so I bought a sandwich, I ate half and decided to give the rest to India, I hadn’t seen her eat and she looked weak, the boys had even asked me about her, it was nice to know that they worried about her.

I got on the bus and asked Jake where India was, “in the bathroom, she’s been in there for ages, I think she’s throwing up or something, HEY dude do you think she’s like bulimic or something?”

“No” I said, but I was uncertain, I ran to the door and knocked, “hey, India its me. I bought you a few things”

“No use man, she won’t…”

The door slid open and I stepped inside, she looked terrible

India’s POV

I had been gagging for ages, telling the others not to come in, I probably looked a mess, and I didn’t want them to think that I was weak, I was about to lie down on the floor when I ear someone knock and CCs voice, I unlatched the door and slid it open, I didn’t want anyone to see me but my hip was torture and I needed what ever CC had brought.

“Are you okay?” he asked shocked, closing the door and kneeling beside me to hold my hair away from my face.

“I’m fine” I lied, “can you help me with my hip?” I asked pleadingly, I didn’t think I had enough energy to do it myself.

I sank back, arching my back so that CC could pull up my shirt, I wasn’t embarrassed anymore I just wanted the pain to end, I heard CC gasp as he saw the cut, it was worse, I knew it, I breathed and the smell hit me, I turned over and threw up, I knew that I was making it worse but at least I got to the toilet and not the floor, CC flushed the loo and mopped my face with a towel, “rough day?” he said “you could say that” I laughed, causing me to wretch into the toilet, nothing came out though, CC held my hair and then placed a towel under my head, I allowed myself to lay down completely.

I felt CCs cold hands on my stomach and I sighed, he got the iodine and tried to read the instructions, I laughed and he handed the box over “it says to apply 4 drops onto the cut, and then place a large plaster over it”


I placed the correct amount of drops onto the cut, it had started to swell and the edges were puffy, “really, I wish you would go to the hospital” she shook her head, I was tempted to drag her there but I didn’t, I respected her wishes, I placed a large plaster over the cut, it didn’t look like It would hold so I placed a second on top and wrapped her tiny stomach with some of the bandages, she shuddered with pain and I was hit with more worry, she had only been here for 2 days or less and she was already suffering, “I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as we get to a city, even if we aren’t staying okay? You need to promise me that” “okay”, she was so weak, I pulled down her top, and asked her if she could walk.

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