Dragon's Gate: Chapter Eight

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"What a day," Elsa sighed, sitting back onto her bed as Anna walked in.

"It's not over yet," Anna exclaimed, landing on the bed next to her. "We have so much too still before your ceremony!" Anna snatched a brush and went to work on Elsa's curls. Her eyes glazed as she sank into the familiar routine they had shared since childhood.

"Elsa?" Anna asked between brushstrokes. "Are you alright? I saw your eyes during the ceremony. I saw Jack's expression when he looked at you. Today's the day you've been waiting for, and I don't want to see it-"

"Anna," Elsa said, turning around. "Please don't worry about me. There's no doubt in my heart, no dragging my feet. I've dreamt of this moment since I was a child. On those long days trapped in my room, my dreams of adventure and love kept me entertained. I am happy. I just regret that my father won't be able to see me on this day." She looked away as a tear fell down her cheek.

Anna jumped to her feet grabbing her hands and pulling her to the mirror. "This day is the beginning of something great. You are going to build a kingdom up north, lead a new beginning for hundreds of us. And no more crying. Your face gets red when you cry. You don't want them to see your face red on your wedding day, do you?"

Elsa's eyes were still sad, but she offered her friend a smile. "I have a plan," she said, jumping, "but we need to hurry. I can't be late for my wedding." Her eyes sparkled as she ran to the other room to grab her dress.

Anna squealed and clapped her hands in excitement. 

Quick fingers got Elsa into her dress in no time. With a wistful sigh and admiring eyes, Anna turned Elsa around to face the mirror. "Now, my princess, you are ready."

Elsa stared, unable to believe the vision before her. The dress draped her body perfectly. The ivory gown accentuated her curved and gleamed under the soft light of the candles. Cream velvet trim bound the edges, and the bodice glistened with golden embroidery and crystals. The gown fell gracefully from her body to the floor, trailing behind her with a grand flourish. Her hair was curled and bundled carefully on top of her head, the jewelled clips shimmering as Elsa turned her head each way. 

"Anna, how did you do this?" Elsa whispered in awe. She looked very much the queen.

Anna beamed. "Well, you only get married once," she said, lifting her train and walking behind her. "If you want to do this, we'd better go now."

Elsa nodded and lifted the front of her dress, lingering for one last look in the mirror.

The halls were unusually quiet as they tiptoed along. Elsa's heart sped up as their steps echoed around them. They crept close together, sneaking quick glances around every corner. If anyone caught a glimpse of the princess before her wedding, it meant ten years of bad luck. Luckily for them, all the noise seemed to come from the courtyard, where people enjoyed the sunshine while waiting for the next ceremony. The walk down the long halls and winding corridors seemed to stretch as they slowly rounded corners, mimicking their childhood games of hide-and-seek.

Her curls threatened to fall as Elsa halted suddenly. They were at her father's door. A soft candle flickered on the outside, and the king's steward stood dutifully at the door, his face downcast and grim as she made her way forward. 

 "Can I see him?" Elsa asked, reaching her hand forward to touch his arm. Years of loyal service developed a deep bond between the men, and the unexpected turn of events heavily weighed upon his face. 

With a saddened smile, he ushered her in. "Your Highness, you can always see him."

Elsa walked into the darkened room. She would never forget its look, its smell. Her heart leapt as she approached the bed.

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