The Battle: Chapter Eighteen

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The trip home through the tunnel was quicker than the trip out had been. Elsa was in a rush to return.

Entertaining the grand chamber where all the tunnels met, she felt a rush of wonder roll over her again. The magic of this room filled her heart. She memorised the exquisite designs on the makers. Looking around and treasuring the grandeur of the chamber for a moment, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before choosing the tunnel marked by a castle.

The wooden door between the tunnel and the dungeon clanked loudly as they opening it. Princess Elsa stepped forward, pressing the door open with force, and practically ran into Jack, who stood there with his mouth wide open in surprise.

"Elsa?" Jack asked.

"Jack, you're all right! They told me you were fighting Prince Hans, and I-" 

Rushing to her, he picked her up and twirled her around. "What are you doing here? And what is that?" He asked, pointing to their tunnel.

"I can explain all that later," she said looking up into his eyes and tenderly moving a strand of hair out of his face.

"Don't worry, we have Hans locked up down here. Your father and most of the knight are off in the forest, looking for you."

"I know. I was there when the battle started between our knights and Hans's men. But Kristoff and his siblings were there to whisk me away." She gestured to the three figures that had just emerged from the tunnel. "But we're safe now; that's all that matters."

"Yes, we are," Jack said, bending down for a kiss. His fingers traced the outline of her chin as their lips touched.

"Oh, please," they heard from behind them. Turning, they saw Prince Hans leaning on the cell doors. 

"You two make me sick," he said, snarling at them through the bars. "I cleared the forest. I fought for her. She is mine, my prize," he said, his lips turned up in a strange smile, banging his fists on the door.

Princess Elsa's stomach tightened. Jack reached for his sword, but Elsa touched his hand and shook her head. She straightened her back and looked at the prisoner with pity. "I am not a prize, Prince Hans. I am a person with thoughts, feelings, and dreams. I am not something to claim, and I am most certainly not yours."

Turning her back on him, she felt better. The final weight of the battle lifted off her shoulders. Se looked down and entwined her fingers with Jack's. Beaming, they walked up the stairs together and closed the doors with a slam, feeling the dungeon door- and the past-close.

Prince Hiccup and King Agnarr focused their eyes on the tree line. Their knights had gone in full force for battle, their horses running, banners waving, and armour clanking.

King Agnarr and Prince Hiccup watched the horizon for a moment. The sun crawled across the sky, melting the built-up snow into slush. Their breath cramped in their chests, and their fingers were white from gripping the edge of the wall. Sweat dripped down furrowed brows as they waited for a sign. 

Today had been a trying day for the king, and he was anxious for news of the last stage of the battle. Prince Hans was now securely imprisoned in the dungeon. King Agnarr had seen, with happy tears in his eyes Elsa reappear with Jack from the dungeon. Jack had again proven himself worthy of his position and shown his love for Princess Elsa. Today was coming full circle; now he just needed news from the battlefield.

Prince Hiccup saw them first, the blue dragon on the banners flying through the air. Victorious cheers erupted from the wooded edges. Their men were returning! Victory was secured. King Agnarr clapped his hands together and smiled as he looked over his kingdom and saw hope returning to all the faces below.

The air filled with lightness as a new surge of energy erupted and cheer rang out. From the woods to the top of the towers and below in the square, everyone was celebrating. Musicians ran for their instruments. The gates creaked open to allow them through. Children danced while women cheered and blew kissed. Laughter, music, and joy filled the air.

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