The Battle: Chapter Three

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The next two weeks slowed to a crawl. The anticipation of exploring Dragon's Gate raced through her mind every other thought. King Agnarr had promised Elsa an expedition to explore the area as soon as the preparations for the fall festival were settled. Once the villagers were in order, they'd sort out the trip. That gave them enough time to explore and still make it back for the festival. It was a great lesson in patience for Elsa, but patience wasn't her strong suit.

Only Jack knew the right words to say to make the time bearable, though even he lost the battle on several occasions. Their evenings were filled with long walks, hand in hand, as the last of the warm summer nights started to chill and the leaves began to show their autumn gold. Their dreams grew bigger as the days shortened. Her mind filled with visions of their warrior stronghold: towers, villages, fairs, and tournaments.

Professor Milo, meanwhile, moved their lessons to her new tower. She had determined to know the area backwards and forwards before exploring, and they now spent their time talking about geography, the history of Dragon's Gate, and engineering and architectural feats. She had never been so engaged with her lessons.

There were old stories of hidden maps, secret tunnels, magical treasure, and dragons. She's heard about them since she was a child; now she had her chance to find out if they were true. What sort of area was she moving to? What adventures were in store for her and Jack? Her desire to learn fuelled her studies. 

As summer faded and fall began, Elsa's focus began to dissipate. The fall festival was set to start in just two more weeks, and there was no news about their travels to the north. The brighter the leaves became, the shorter her patience grew. Her nightmares had become more persistent, and every day was more of a challenge. 

Professor Milo was busy, deep in thought, the willow wand flying back and forth through the air as hits small eyes scanned the maps in front of them. She couldn't concentrate, her mind catching on every sound. She raised her head, hearing footsteps on the cobblestones. King Agnarr entered the room, and Elsa looked down at her notes before rising. 

"Father," she said, standing to greet him with a curtsy, her velvet blue dress sweeping over the floor.

"Elsa," he smiled. "Professor," he nodded, turning to greet him. "It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?" He said with a wink.

"Yes, Your Majesty it is," Professor Milo replied, closing his notes. "Is it too good of a day to remain indoors?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course, Professor," he said. "Enjoy the rest of the day." Elsa watched their exchange with curiosity. She twisted her fingers, trying to keep from fidgeting with excitement. Her blue dress swayed as her body twisted in anticipation. 

"Elsa," the king said, turning to give her his full attention. "Dragon's Gate awaits us." Winking at her, he turned to walk down the stairs, holding back a mischievous grin. "Everyone is waiting downstairs. Take only the bare minimum. We will be travelling light for speed."

"But father, what about..." she tried to ask.

"Jack is already waiting with the rest of the group. I wanted this to be a surprise. Hurry!" He swept his robe behind him as he began to descend the spiral staircase.

"They are all waiting," she mumbled, looking around the room. They didn't give her nearly enough time.

Throwing her arms up in both frustration and excitement, Elsa shook her head and looked around, her smile growing as reality sunk in. Throwing her leather satchel, she threw a few things in-simple travel clothes, a plain apron, a charcoal-coloured wool coat for warmth, and a nice dress for the time in Dragon's Gate. Her other dresses ended up in heaps on the floor. She turned around for a final look at the room. It was a mess, but it was going to have to wait to be cleaned up-she was going to Dragon's Gate.

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