Chapter 16

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"You have got to be kidding me."

Amelia turned to see me murmur those words, giving a wicked smile that was not at all friendly. She looked at me as if she knew me, or was waiting for me.

"And you must be Gemini." She sighed, stepping forward until we were a meter away from one another. "I'm Amelia."

"I know who you are." I scowled, my face cold as stone. My eyes never flickered to Louis, or to Harry. They were absolutely positively trained on the monster before me.

"Of course you know who I am." She chuckled before stepping back, her green eyes glistening.

"What are you doing here?" Harry murmured lowly, his words spoken as a statement than a question. Amelia turned her gaze back to Harry and smiled warmly. "I missed you Harry." She replied simply.

I watched on is absolute surprise at how well Harry was composing himself. I didn't know what to do or think, Was I safe here at this moment?

"I don't want you here." Harry growled fiercely, his eyes darkening in anger.

"Believe what you want." Amelia sighed before stepping up further towards Harry, the bodies brushing slightly. The sight made my fists clench, my body tighten in hatred and jealousy. "But I know you've been missing me too."

"Fucking leave this house or I swear to god-"

"You'll what? You'll kill me? As much as you want it to happen, you can't keep me in your little fortress forever. And you shouldn't swear to God, he's already turned his back on you." She murmured coyly, a subtle smirk hinting on her lips. I just wanted to uppercut her little 'innocent' façade.

"Truth be told, I can't actually die." She smiled cruelly up at Harry, her arms draping around his neck, which he quickly brushed off. He stepped back, taking no part in the open affection Amelia was trying to give him.

"Don't you know I love you Harry?" Amelia demurely grinned, walking towards him.

"You don't love anyone. You destroyed me."

"I made you stronger." She hissed as she stopped in her tracks. "Look how strong I made you. Look around at all the fearful people stuck here with you. Look at this petty insignificant soul your taking." She spat, her eyes turning to glare at me.

"I did all of this, I made you king of the shadows, and not once have you thanked me."

"I never wanted this." Harry whispered.

"You're lying." Amelia murmured. "A blind man can see why you want Gemini. You want her to join your shadows; you want her to love you and keep you company. Well the truth is Harry, you're dead, and she's alive."

I watched silently, thinking over Amelia's words. Was she right?

Did he only want me for the shadows?

Or did he actually care for me?

I highly doubted he did, now hearing this from Amelia. I knew it from the start, but with all the feelings and things that happened between Harry and I, that truth and realization became more insignificant as time flew by. And Amelia being here right now, saying all of these things made the walls crumple down, and the painful truth was beginning to consume me whole.

Harry was dead, a lifeless, malevolent spirit that only wanted to control me, possess me.

Nothing more, nothing less.

"Why waste your time on getting her, when you can have me? I was born in the shadows, raised by it, consumed by it. That's why I made that deal. So in the end we could both live in the shadows, together." Amelia whispered, her hand lightly caressing Harry's cheek.

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