Chapter 2

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Harry had stayed in the basement, where no one would dare to waltz in because that little room especially was his. Harry couldn't kill the spirits again because they were already dead, but if they did get in his way he would stop at nothing to make sure their eternity in the home was hell.

The spirits couldn't move on unless Harry did because he was the first to die in the house. And they all knew too well Harry enjoyed staying here terrorizing and watching people join the other side to live forever under his thumb - forever in the house, and never to move on.

Harry had a thought come to his mind.

I wonder what my new victims are like, he thought to himself before moving up the staircase and to the first floor.

He could see the spirits backing away and hiding as soon as Harry became apparent on the first floor. He held a smug grin, proud of himself for ruling over the home and all who took residence inside.

His cold hand glided up the wooden staircase handrails, his feet moving at slow pace up the creaking steps. He felt Florence presence behind him before he spoke in an astounded tone.

"No one has come to see why the floorboards are creaking and I don't hear an voices." He chuckled before turning to take a glimpse of Florence gulping.

"Doesn't seem like a big family." He expressed with a smile, before turning to 3 little kids hiding behind their Mother and Father in the corner of the first floor. The kids and mother held a terrified gaze while the Father showed nothing but hate and anger for Harry.

He did kill everyone who made themselves at home here after all. And now they get to spend forever with Harry in this godforsaken house.

He continued up the stairwell, moving towards the left of the house to the main bedroom. He opened the door to reveal an older lady dressed improperly, taking out all her clothes from her suitcase. She had earphones in, singing distastefully as she pranced untidily around the room.

Harry's face moved up in disgust at the sight of her appearance and behavior.

"I know she looks terrible." Florence whispered from behind. "But we really don't need any more deaths-"

"Your pressing statement is irrelevant to me Florence." Harry muttered, before turning to capture her big brown eyes with a cold smile. Florence nodded and stepped back into the darkness as he turned to face the monstrosity before him.

Before Harry could do any damage to her mind, Mother twirled around and saw that the door was flung right open. She let her shoulders slump as she threw the bits of material on the bed.

"Gemini! Stop being a little pest!" She yelled before turning back to what she was previously doing.

Harry's head shot up at what she had said. He turned to Florence, who held a frightened look that screamed don't do this Harry.

"Gemini." He grinned, before walking past a shaking Florence. Harry walked in and out of doors, trying to find the other girl that Florence was trying so hard to save.

"Harry she is a fragile one. She's not like the other girl." She pushed.

"That's never stopped me before." Harry replied simply.

"Don't hurt her. I can sense she's lost so much, family, homes everything. She doesn't deserve this." Florence urgently spoke. "She has a pure heart, one that I haven't come across in centuries."

"Remind me when that has mattered to me?" Harry questioned, his voice laced with play and sarcasm.

"Harry, please!" Florence exclaimed, forcing Harry around by the wrist as he moved towards the attic. She stopped abruptly, realizing what she had done as Harry looked down on her with a look telling her to be careful.

She let out a sigh as Harry's eyes grew on her. Her blonde hair was a mess as her brown eyes held different emotions of despair, hope, love, and sadness.

"You can't tell me that there isn't some kind of compassion or love under all the hate and anger in your heart." Florence breathed, her hand releasing itself from Harry's wrist.

He chuckled to himself before locking his emerald eyes onto her chocolate brown orbs. The stare gave her shivers, as they really spoke out what he truly felt and it was terrifying. He gave a sly smirk before answering her heartfelt words.

"What heart?"

And with that, he swiftly turned and opened the door to the attic.

Gemini jumped at the sound of her door flying open. Her eyes went directly to old wooden door, and unearthly shiver entering the room. She automatically felt uneasy, the room becoming darker and much colder than it originally was.

Her breathing was heard in quick raspy breaths and she tried to swallow. She returned to her bags, her eyes still firmly locked on the door that was now against the wall. She looked into the empty hallway, nothing insight.

Gemini shut the window to prevent anything else like that to occur again. She let out a heavy breath before folding her clothes onto the bed.

Harry watched on in secret amazement at how beautiful the girl in front of him was. She had long brown hair that was pulled up into a neat ponytail, green eyes a couple shades lighter than Harry's. Her body was small and looked fragile like a porcelain doll - one touch and she would shatter.

An overwhelming feel of protectiveness and possession consumed him. He felt the overriding need to make sure she was his and no one else's.

"Don't you see Harry? She's fragile. Don't kill her." Florence light melodic voice was heard from behind.

He watched on, analyzing Gemini's every movement. Florence moved beside him, before looking up at his intent stare on Gemini. Her breathing picked up as she saw the look in Harry's darkening eyes.

"No. Harry No." She protested, backing away from the still spirit in front of her.

"You can't do that Harry you'll driver her insane! She'll do it herself, she'll take her own life." She whimpered.

But it was no use. She could see in his eyes that he was already fixated on making Gemini his and his only. She could see that he wanted her to be with him, no matter what it took.

"She'll be our Queen." He mumbled. Florence gave a soft sob before shaking her head.

"No. Please no. Don't target her Harry." She pleaded.

He strolled up behind Gemini, Gemini already feeling the cold sensation as if someone was behind her. She straightened up, her breathing hitching as she felt a cold whispery air engulf her entirety.

His lips moved from her neck to her ear, Gemini's little hairs on her neck moving upwards in a flash. She could feel something, and it brought uneasiness to the room and into her heart.

"You're mine now."

The words made Florence leave the room, unable to stay in the room any longer. Gemini shook, the shiver taking over. She turned and ran out the room, the feeling inside the attic becoming all too much for poor Gemini.

Harry watched in delight, as Gemini escaped the room and ran down the staircase.

"You can run, but you can't hide. Not from me. I assure you, you are mine and you will be our queen." He informed with a gleeful smile as all the other spirits started to murmur and retract in fright.

He watched on as she opened the door to get some fresh air, his voice quieter than before yet holding so much truth and promise. Everyone could hear how sure he was in his tone when he spoke.

"And you will join us, that's a promise."

And the frightening truth is that no matter the circumstance, Harry always keeps his word.

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