All I Want

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All seems well with Frank and I all of the sudden. These few weeks have done our relationship well. After that slight breakdown he had. But that's just Frank, or..A part of the few. 

We sit in our still barely furnished mcmansion, but not because we can't afford it--but because we have better things on our minds. I sit curled up with Frank on our small couch, the only piece of furniture in our living room. He caresses my hand, watching the news, trying to get more info on the kid's father; the fucking gazillionaire still plaguing the news with his voice, and face, and pleads to bring his stuck up cookie-cutter son back into his wealthy arms. If I seem bitter towards the whole deal, it's because I am. And so is Frank, why wouldn't we be? Without this kid and his father, our daughter would be almost here by now. We would almost be meeting her, but no, they got on our bad side, and the two of us are a certain couple you don't want to get on the bad side of. Infact, we're only watching the news in order to better plan just how we're going to kill the bastard, just like we did to his son. 

"They're giving up hope" Frank states, "we gotta do it soon."

"you're right." I answer him.

"but this is a big job, this guy is a big deal" Frank stands up, walking into another room. 

"but-" he walks back out, holding a stack of unorganized, crumpled paper.

"he doesn't know who he messed with."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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