Partners. In Crime.

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He turns to me, smiling like this is an average part of life, holding two ski masks.
"Come on, we gotta get going." He throws me my mask and starts to head down the stairs. "Frank.." I hesitate as I meet him at the bottom of the stairs. "This still freaks me out" he sees the fear growing in my eyes and pulls me in with one arm. "It's gonna be just fine. I promise. I'll die before I let anything fall on you." I squeeze him back and close my eyes, about to take the biggest plunge of my life.
I throw everything in his truck, not taking much as for clothes or food, Frank promised he'd take care of all that later. I get in the passenger seat, and grin at Frank as we both buckle our seat belts, almost trying to convince myself that we're making a harmless 'withdrawal' he puts his mask in a cup holder and I grip mine tightly with my right hand in my lap, feeling my heart knock against my ribcage, but trying to hold it together for Frank.
As I get closer to our destination, my eyes start to water and I bite my lip, Frank grabs my free hand as he drives, calmly repeating, "it's gonna be fine" sweetly and quietly. I nod my head and close my eyes as he parks his truck, out of view from the parking lot and lights, around the corner from an old donut shop. He shuts off the car and looks at me, only to see me almost hyperventilating. "No, Chance, don't do this" he says as he leans back and grabs his box with the smiley face on it. He pulls out a joint and lights it, taking the first drag and then grabbing my face and blowing the second into my mouth. "You need to calm down" he pushes the joint into my lips and makes me smoke it. "It's gonna be fine" he repeats yet again. "You know what I always do when I'm feeling hesitant about doing this?"
"Hm?" I answer while taking another puff of smoke into your system and holding it in.
"Just..relax.." He leans next to me and slowly unbuttons my jeans as I sit in the passenger seat. "Sit back, okay?" His words sound innocent but they definitely don't match his actions. He slowly slips his hand into my panties and then rubs me with his middle finger, making my eyes flutter closed. "This will take your mind off of everything, princess. Just focus on how good it feels. And smoking." I nod and take another puff with my eyes closed as he moves his fingers steadily, knowing how to get to me quickly. He moves his middle finger inside of me and pumps it in and out strongly, the palm of his hand and wrist moving up and down just under my belly button. "Come on, Chance" he whispers encouragingly. "We're at home, in our soft bed. You're lying there, and I'm pleasuring you, one of my favorite things to do." "Think about my finger moving inside of you, think about if I..curled it a little" he mumbles as he does just what he said, making my hips shoot up and grip the side of the car. "How's that?" He says seductively. "Good, Frank-it's good, it's great" I struggle to get out. I start gasping, only stopping to take more drags off of the joint. He gets fast and moves his hand powerfully and quickly, making me start to moan as he gets rougher, leading you to my orgasm. "Oh, Frank" I gasp as I come down from the pleasure he gave me but he starts to get out of the car. "Now let's go, before you think too much again" he shuts the door and grabs two hand guns, making a bunch of noise messing with them as he opens the door and I jump out, buttoning my jeans. He slips on his mask and points at me to do the same. I slip it on and he pulls my face to his, pressing out foreheads together lovingly before sternly saying, "the safety's off." And handing me a gun. He grabs my hand, just like he did on our first date;months ago, and starts running to the bank with me. "Do what I say, don't listen to the voice in your head, got it??" He yells as we approach the doors. I'm still so horrified that all I do is say, "yeah" as I run. Frank storms into the doors, still holding my hand. "Alright guys hands up" he screams as the startled employees stand up and listen to him. "I don't want any fucking trouble, I know it's late and you all were just getting ready to leave" a lady shakily starts to reach for a phone but Frank points his gun at her. "Hey!!" He yells, making her burst into tears, rambling on about how she has a family at home. "Listen lady, I got eight bullets and three of you, that's enough to kill all of you and then shoot you twice for good luck." I zone out again, at the worst time. Seeing this side of Frank made me shocked, but..proud? His voice was so strong and dominant, he was handling the situation well and without being scared. It was almost like he was born to do this. "You" he points his gun at a balding man in a blue shirt. "I want five thousand dollars" the man starts to run but Frank pushes my shoulder and tells me to shoot him, I shakily shoot my gun in the moment and completely miss, almost hitting my face from the kick back. "That was a Goddamn warning, walk." He leans in and whispers, "I knew you'd miss, I just wanted you to try" "target practice." I repeat from our earlier conversation. He keeps the gun pointed at the man but kisses me, holding the small of my back with his free hand. "Im so in love you. You're so amazing right now" I can see a warm smile underneath the mask and it makes me almost forget where I am. Frank quickly turns his head towards the man who was piling money on the counter. "Put it in a bag" Frank plainly says as he twitches the gun, his casual tone sounding like he's just ordering  a side of fries in a restaurant. The man finds a huge office bag and dumps all of its contents out, shakily stuffing stacks of money into the bag, then leaving it on the counter. He nudges my shoulder, "go get the bag" I stand there because I really don't want to, but I start slowly heading for it anyway, just so I can get out of here. "If any of you try anything on her I will fucking bludgeon you" his voice gets stern again as I grab the bag, then head back to grab Frank's hand. "Get out of here" he gently pushes me towards the door and I run out as he keeps the gun pointed at the employees, slowly backing out. I feel safe the minute I get into the truck, and then nervously wait for Frank. I see him start running for the truck, harshly pulling the door open and getting in. "Yeah!!" He yells excitedly. "You were amazing!" I say, holding his face, still hidden by the mask. "Me?? You were perfect!" He starts his car and swerves away behind the donut shop with his lights off, pulling me to messily kiss me as he drives recklessly. "Take my mask off, babe" he asks, and I do as he turns into normal traffic, obeying the traffic laws and driving ever so cautiously with his lights on.  "What now?" I ask. "Now? The beach, the best food, the best clothes, the best drugs. All for you, always." He says, becoming an extremely excited and happy person, a way I've never quite seen him before.

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