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I open my mouth but I can't utter a word.
"Chance?" He looks into my eyes with sympathy.
"I know, it's shocking, and..and we've been together and we went all the way and you probably feel like shit I just-I wanted to tell you.."
He looks at me for a few more seconds, but after I remain frozen in place, he moves off of me and sits at the side of the bed, holding his head in his hands.
"Chance, fucking say something."
"Tell me again what you did."
"I killed my parents." He plainly answers.
"In this house?" I shakily whisper.
"In the house." He sighs.
"I can't stay here, I'll walk home, I just can't think about this here." I get out of the bed and start leaving the bedroom, then hear Frank run behind me.
"Chance, please, please don't leave me, this is why I didn't want to tell you!! Why do you think I don't associate with anyone, I can't fucking tell anyone but the thought haunts me every day." He speaks fast and with a desperate tone.
He grabs my wrist and I gasp because honestly, he's scaring me.
"No." His eyes water.
"You're afraid of me now, you think I'm gonna kill you too, now!!" He raises his voice, pulling me back.
"Frank, please. Let me go."
"No, I can't. You can't call the cops. I was eighteen when I did it, now I'm twenty six, please"
"Oh, so I can fucking murder someone, but not get caught in eight years, and suddenly be considered not a killer anymore? Are you kidding me Frank?"
"Please" a few tears roll down his cheek before he falls on the floor.
"I love you" he kneels on the floor, sobbing into his hands.
"You what?"
"I love you, I love you Chance. Don't leave me, please,please, I fucking black out, I take drugs, all kinds of fucking drugs, I'm alone, I kill people, I steal from people" he coughs after yelling and crying all at once.
My fear melts away, seeing someone so familiar break down in front of me, so I kneel down next to him. "Frank.." Is all I can say, I have no idea where to go from here.
"I'm not going to tell you how you're living is okay." 
"I know, I know babe, I fill my days with grime and blood, and I can't stop. I'm an animal."
"But I would never hurt you. I'm completely committed to you, I love you, I love you"
"Frank I-I love you too" he sits with his legs folded in front of him, roughly wiping his eyes.
"You do?"
"I do"
He leans in and kisses me, breathing heavy from all the energy he just drained. He crawls over me and gets on top of me again, kissing me into the floor. He stops and runs his hand on my cheek.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna fuck you. I just want to kiss you."
And he does, he sits on my waist, kissing me as I lie on the floor, long enough for my lips and jaw to get tired.
"Fuck, I can't stop" he giggles.
"I just adore you. Can I.." He points to a place on my neck where there isn't a hickey.
"Write?" I grin.
"Mm hmm."
He presses his lips to my skin, and sucks and kisses it for a little bit before sitting back up.
"Now you give me one. I'll help you up." He holds out his hand and pulls me up, my mouth going directly on the side of his neck, returning the mark he gave me.
When I'm done I stand there in his embrace.
"Thank you. I wanted that. I want to look at that mark and remember."
"Frank" I say as I remember how we got here in the first place.
"You're gonna need to tell me, everything."
"Everything?" He repeats.
"Why you killed, how you did it, what drugs you do, what you do here all day, the whole fucking stealing thing, everything. I said I love you, I didn't say it was okay. I'm just so confused right now."
"Well," he starts.
"I'm going to need weeks, months, to really show you"

Book Wørm (Frank Iero AU)Where stories live. Discover now