Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Three

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blaming cupid
t w e n t y – t h r e e

23. Harriet

Last night drew Josiah and me closer than ever before. He came around to finally opening up to me and we kissed. He took control yesterday which convinced me that our feelings were true and alike. 

My mind can't stop replaying our kiss. He was different to any other guy I've kissed before. There's something about him that makes my mind go blank, my heart race and my body tingle.

A small smile tugs at my lips as I rummage through my locker for my Biology revision guides and textbooks.

Suddenly, my thoughts about Josiah are interrupted by a presence standing next to me. I take out my earphone and look towards the unfamiliar female.

She is seemingly taller than me. High prominent cheekbones, long nose, bitter eyes, dark olive complexion, and coal-black curls. She looks no older than I am which makes me raise my eyebrow as I don't recognise her.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yes, you can actually," her voice holds a thick Italian accent "I am here for him now, so he will not be needing you any longer, not that he ever did."

I'm taken back. "What are you on about?"

"You and Josiah," she inclines her head towards me "I want no more of it."

Something about her gives me a distasteful vibe. I don't know whether it's what she says or the malicious expression her face holds when she does so.

"Excuse me, but who are you to just barge in here and tell me not to talk to Jo-Jo anymore?" I snap. The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them but I don't regret it.

"Jo-Jo? That is cute." She remarks. There's evil in those dark orbs of hers, I can see it. "I am here now so just forget about whatever you two had going on, whatever stupid little thing was, it will not last any longer."

And then she struts past me, "Spazzatura pallida," she mutters under her breath while she deliberately bumps her shoulder with mine.

My first reactant after the encounter is to find Josiah.

I rush amongst the crowd of students passing in the hallway and make my way to where I know for a fact he will be.

The moment I step outside, I don't waste any time to walk over to the smoking area. My instinct turns out to be correct because right there is Josiah himself with a cigarette hanging limply from his mouth.

Oh, but he's not alone.

That same girl is stood beside him.

I can see her lips moving hastily at him; her arms folded across her chest with a look of irritation schooling into her features. Josiah closes his eyes. It seems as if he's drowning out whatever she says to him.

When I walk over to the pair, my eyes singularly meet him. 

"Josiah," I murmur.

He still manages to hear my voice, even when that bitch drones on. His eyes jolt open in an instant and he glances right at me.

"Hattie," He responds and flicks his cigarette into the bin next to him. Then, he walks towards me, his lips turning up into one of those half-smiles that would just about drive anybody insane.

I grab his wrist wordlessly and drag him back into the building. I am swift with where I take him in case she follows and ruins my chances of speaking to him alone.

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