Blaming Cupid - Chapter Fourteen

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14. Harriet

"So, I just kissed Josiah whilst dating Everett," I articulate, before shivering inwardly of disgust. "Oh my god, I'm a terrible person."

Grace rolls her eyes, "It was acting, besides Everett didn't take much interest to it, so neither should you."

"But that's the thing," I let out a sigh, "I can't seem to forget about it, the way his lips moved with mine, it just felt right. I know I sound crazy right now, but that kiss was magical."

"Magical?" Lea sends me a puzzled look.

I muster up all the courage I have and decide to tell my friends the truth, "When I kissed Josiah tonight, it felt good and better than when I have ever kissed Everett."

Grace tilts her head, "Better how?" she asks.

"Better as in..." I rummage through my brain for the correct way to describe it, "our lips go well together and the rhythm of our kiss was perfect. I don't understand why I feel like this, it's just a kiss. One bloody kiss."

Lea grins over at me, "So, you're starting to like Josiah?"

"No," I gasp, holding my chest.

A look of excitement dances on Grace's face, "No way, you totally fancy him!"

"I do not!" I oppose, "I just think there's a little chemistry there, between two friends. That's all."

Grace snorts, "No, Hattie, you want to shag his brains out," she sings.

"Oh my god, no!" My hands fly up to my face as it starts to burn up.

Grace coos, "Aww, my little virgin friend has a crush!"

I shake my head to try to push away the thought of liking Josiah. I can't like him, it's straight up wrong. And even if I did, it's not like we would actually work out, he's the complete opposite to me and in my stubborn opinion, opposites don't attract.

"If you like Josiah, then you should dump Everett." Lea says.

"What? Are you crazy? Break-up with Everett for Josiah? No way," I reply, shaking my head quickly.

"Hattie, it's the right thing to do," Lea returns, her voice taking on a soft tone, "If you like the guy then you should go for it before it's too late."

"But I don't like him!" I try to convince her.

"Uh, yeah you do!" Grace chimes in.

I let out a groan and collapse back onto the bed.

I can faintly hear the pair pass a couple of whispers back and forth each another, until a hand grips my arm and pulls me back up, "Okay, we're sorry, you don't like Josiah."

I frown, "It's not that I don't, I just can't pinpoint the way I like him, if it's just as a friend, or something more," I admit, truthfully.

Grace nods, understandingly, "That's fine, it's totally down to you, and whatever you decide to do, we will support it."

"Exactly, that's what friends are for," Lea smiles, "Now can we drop the boy subject and do something actually enjoyable? These revision sessions are too much for my poor brain to handle."

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