Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twelve

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12. Harriet

I wake up the next morning with a painful migraine and a sore throat. Why on earth do people drink if this is how you feel the next morning?

With a sigh, I allow my brain to focus and cautiously peek an eye open. The piercing sunlight mercilessly pours through my bedroom windows and the smell of bacon wafts into my nostrils.

I pull the duvet up over my head in an attempt to return to my unconscious state, but to no avail.

Yesterday was one of the best nights I've had in a while. The fact that it was spent with Josiah makes rather surprising. I never truly knew I could bond with him in such a way, I had him so wrong at first, but now that I've been spending more alone time with him, it's clear to say I'm beginning to contradict his heartless, bad boy persona.

A knock sounds on my bedroom door and I let out a sigh, re-emerging from the cocoon I've built with my blanket.

Kai enters my bedroom without my consent. He's already in his uniform and his dark hair is pushed back with gel.

An unlit cigarette hangs limply from his mouth, "Get up, shithead."

I sit up and drag my feet off the bed. With a stretch and a yawn, I stand up on my feet before eyeing him, "I swear to god if you've eaten all the bacon, you'll be dead as the pig that fucking produced it."

"Mum hid a plate for you," Kai says, taking the cigarette from his lips to place it behind his ear, "And I know you snuck out last night,"

I narrow my eyes, challenging him, "I did not," I drawl out.

"Bullshit," he replies, "I was awake at that time and you can't tip-toe for shit, really you can't."

I roll my eyes, "Alright, you got me, just don't tell mum or she'll kick my arse."

He chuckles, playfully, "Don't worry, baby sis, I won't tell a soul."

"You better not and I'm only younger than you by a minute," I point out.

"But I'm still older," he replies.

I decide against replying and instead grab my uniform from the ironing board before heading to the bathroom. I freshen up by washing my face and brushing my teeth, later changing into my uniform. Satisfied with the way I look, I walk back into my bedroom to see Kai laying on my bed with his legs sprawled across my bed. As I walk closer, I notice the book in his hands and my cheeks redden.

Oh god.

He's reading Fifty Shades of Grey.

I quickly run to him and snatch the book away from his grasp to shove it underneath my bed, "I think that's enough reading for you today."

"Hey!" Kai yells, "It was getting to the good part!"

I roll my eyes, "Get out, Kai."

He folds his arms across his chest, "No, give me the book back, I wanna read Anastasia's and Christian's sex scene," he whines.

I scrunch my nose up, "You're weird."

"Says the girl who brought the bloody book," he retorts.

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