Blaming Cupid - Chapter Twenty-Two

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22. Harriet

A loud crash erupts from the bedroom next door to mine. The alarming sound is followed by a glass smashing. I drag myself off the bed and rush into into Kai's room.

The mess in his room is the first thing I see. Textbooks with ripped pages are scattered on the floor, the picture frame beside his bed is broken and the large mirror hanging on his wall is smashed apart into a hundred tiny forms of itself.

I sigh and look over to see Kai himself lying on his bed.

"The artist got mad at a girl, kinda lost his mind." he tells me "Lashed out like he usually does and couldn't take it back."

"Why not?" I question, inclining against the door frame.

"Because she left him."

I wander over to his bed and kneel down. "Were you two even a couple?"

"Still feels shitty." he mumbles.

I try to console him. "She is kind of a player."

"Yeah but then so am I."

"Maybe why you two got along?"

Kai turns his head and looks over at me. His eyes are red and his face puffy. I don't think I've ever seen him like this before.

"I think I was kind of falling in love with her."

And then he turns his back around and closes his eyes. "Bare me a couple of moments to myself, lil sis."

I feel unfortunate towards him but agree nonetheless. I lean over and kiss his forehead before I get up and leave the room.

When I saunter back into my bedroom, I finish getting ready. I change into a washed blue dungaree with a plain white shirt underneath and black Doc Martens to complement the look. Why the hell do I even dress up if I'm gonna spend the rest of the day shoving junk food down my mouth while watching Netflix?

Just then, the doorbell rings and I place my hairbrush down and walk out of my room to answer. It chimes repeatedly which grows to irritate me by the time I make it down the stairs.

The person who's behind that door is certainly going to receive a lecture full of swears and shouts.

I unlock the front door and grasp the handle, dragging it back.

"You fucking piece of no good-" I'm cut off as I actually catch a glimpse of the person who I continue to swear at.

A smile tugs at my mouth and I nearly leap onto her. "Lou! You little bitch, I've missed you!"

She beams into my shoulder, letting out a laugh as she does so. "Missed you more, shithead."

I pull back. "How long are you staying?"

"I get a week off for Christmas so about a week," she answers.

I smile in return and move towards the door frame, allowing her to get past to the hallway. I shut the front door and follow her down where she tosses a large duffle bag across the living room sofa and then makes her way into the kitchen.

"How've things been?" she asks, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket.

I shrug. "Not very good at the start, but slowly, it's getting better. I know that I can't always sit over and mourn about him leaving."

"That is indeed very true." she agrees "I'm proud of your positively, little sis." she ruffles my hair and sends over a gummy grin.

Suddenly then her expression twists into a rather pained one and she holds her stomach tightly. A frown stoops to my face and I place my hand on her upper arm.

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