The Beach

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I hear the door click open and I freeze in Sam’s arms. He quickly kisses my forehead.

“Meet you outside in five minutes,” and he’s gone through the window again. How am I meant to swing that? Before Dad can even attempt to come upstairs I throw on a shirt and thunder downstairs, propelling into Dad.

“Woah woah woah! You going somewhere?” Dad asks, holding his hands up against my chest. I flash him a smile, hoping to butter him up.

“Oh noble father –“

He laughs, “What are you looking for, Jett?”

“Can I out tonight?” I ask quickly, “I mean I know it’s late and that I haven’t done anything to deserve your blessing for going out.”


“But if you’d let me this once,” I pause, “Say what?”

He chuckles, “I said yes.”

I blink at him.

“What? Do you think I’d say no? I’m glad you’re getting out of the house. Who’s the lucky lady?” he asks suddenly.

I raise an eyebrow and cough a little, “Excuse me?”

Dad grins and claps me on the shoulder, “You’re flustered, excited to go out for once and looking rather fine. I’ll ask again, who’s the lucky lady?”

I awkwardly rub the back of my neck, “New student.”

Dad nods and pulls an approving face, “Knock ‘em dead.”

I get out of the house before Dad notices the fact that I’m shell shocked. Sam steps out from the side of the house to embrace me in a kiss. He holds my face in his hands.

“You looked shocked.”

“My Dad thinks I’m going on a date with some chick.”

“Well he only got half of that wrong,” Sam grins and clasps my hand, “Come on.”

He takes off running, yanking me with him. I find it easy enough to keep up with him. Guess I lived up to my name in one way after all.

“Where exactly are we going?” I ask Sam after we had ran for a good while.

He taps the side of his nose with the hand that isn’t holding mine.

“What does that even mean?!” He doesn’t respond. “Oh great. The silent treatment,” I sulk. A little while later Sam pulls me to a stop and kisses me softly. I squint in the darkness. I see nothing but a tarmac parking lot. I look at Sam, confused.

“You brought me to an abandoned car park for our first date?”

“You doubt me?”

“I’m starting to.”

Sam smirks, “Then follow me, Mr. Doubtful.” He pulls me off again and I’m suddenly hit with the smell of salt and the sound of crashing waves. I can see a path leading down to the beach. As soon as we reach sand I push Sam down and fall down on top of him, crushing he lips to mind. Sam eagerly kisses me back.Casually we start rolling down the slight slope and into the water with a loud slash. Sam has ended up on top of me. We pull apart from kissing to burst out laughing. A large wave soaks whatever dry area we had left. I wrap my arms around Sam and kiss him hungrily.

“Eager. But we’re not there yet.” He rolls out from under me and pulls me up, dripping wet.

Where else is there to go?

But I follow and a few minutes down the beach I see it. A wooden beach side lodge. It’s not lit up in the slightest but I can see it perfectly.

Sam leads me up to the door and grabs a key off of the top of it, unlocking and pulling me inside. The lights are switched on and the breath is caught in my throat. A large hallway and to my left an ideal looking room with a plush looking bed.

“What do you think?” he asks. I ignore his question and kiss him. He grabs my legs and hitches me up onto his waist, which makes me look down on him more so. The only thing that stops me from forcing him onto that bed is the fact that my stomach starts grumbling. I scrunch my eyebrows together and look down at my stomach.

“Shut up you, I fed you this morning.”

Sam laughs and lets me down, “Are you not aware that you have to feed yourself three times a day?”

I shrug, “One out of three ain’t bad.”

Sam rolls his eyes and leads me into the kitchen, “You’re lucky I bought food here a while ago I can make you.”

I sit down at a stool by the breakfast bar, shamelessly looking at Sam’s ass as he stretches to grab something from a self. His head turns slightly over his shoulder as he smirks and makes his ass wiggle a bit.

“Like that?”

“Babe, I love it.”

Sam places some random ingredients on the counter top and sets to work. I tilt my head to the side.

“How did you find this place?” I ask. He looks up to meet my eyes briefly before looking back down at the dough he was kneading.

“Well... this was my Mom’s house,” he tells me softly, “I kinda own it now.”

My head reaches out to hold his, “I’m sorry.”

He smiles sadly at me. “You didn’t kill her.” He looks down again. “Now hush up while your man cooks for you.”

“My man?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, “I like the sound of that.” 

Twenty minutes later Sam and I are eating this absolutely mouth watering pizza that he had made.

“You never told me you could cook!” I tell him while chewing.

“Don’t talk with your mouth open!” Sam scolds me with a grin. “I have to cook for the pack a lot.”

I nod and look up to see that Sam has some pizza sauce on his nose. I reach out to wipe it off.

“Sam Tatum, you eat like a five year old,” my turn to scold him. He smiles bashfully.

“I’m your five year old.”

“That you are.” 


OMFG I am very sorry for the delay! But y'know study and all. Writing this whilst I'm ill so if it's not up to scratch I'm using my illness as an excuse, 'kay? 

Well... what do you think? 

Votes for next chapter: 42. 

Picture: SAMMY BOY.

Song: it's just cute like the chapter. 

Love you <3

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