17: Just Believe

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"Connie?" Joel whispered, lightly nudging my side.

I blinked, glancing up at him. It was currently Monday morning, and we were seated at the back of Geometry class. As the teacher droned on and on, my thoughts flashed back to the note, which currently resided in my pocket.

Luca was a murderer. What?

"Are you okay?"

One glance into his piercing gaze and I found myself shaking my head, tears pooling in my eyes. As I opened my mouth to speak, the bell cut me off, it's shrill sound causing me to jump in my seat.

Joel chuckled as the teacher dismissed us, instructing us to pick up our homework on the way out. Since Vivi was absent, due to "a cold and a lack of motivation to go to school" as she had told her brother, it was just us.

Well, let's just say Luca and Chey didn't count anymore.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Joel queried as we exited the class, homework papers grasped in our hands.

My eyes widened. I couldn't do anything to disappoint my parents or Chey's. It wouldn't be proper. I couldn't just up and ditch school.


"Come on, Con, something big is bothering you. You can skip a few periods. It's okay to be a rebel now and then, especially for a just cause."

I found myself shrugging, emotionally too unstable to last much longer as it was. So, I allowed Joel to lead me out of the school, dodging crowds of students lingering in the halls.

He practically dragged me through the side door, making sure no teacher spotted us. A single tear slipped down my cheek as he gripped my hand, tugging me through the parking lot. Everything seemed like a blur of color. Everything felt trivial compared to the weight on my shoulders.

My eyes landed on a sleek, dark blue truck. Joel pulled the keys out of his pocket and it beeped to life. Before I knew it, I was situated in the passenger seat, head flat against the headrest.

Leather cushioned my body and I heard myself let out a breath. My arms wrapped around my body and tears streamed down my cheeks like a downpour. With him and Vivi, I felt like I could be myself and let my façades crumble.

"Connie?" I heard Joel ask in alarm. "Are you okay? Please tell me what's wrong!"

My head shook back and forth. "My whole life is a mess," I choked out.

The back of my hand swiped across my eyes as I glanced out the window. Colors and buildings flew by in a teary blur. Silence crackled between us, leaving my thoughts to stew.

Eventually, a melody filled the car, blasting through the radio.

All this pain
I wonder if I'll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all

"Y-you like this music, too?" I sniffled, glancing over at him.

All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

He shrugged, flashing me a smile before returning his gaze towards the road. "Yeah. Vivi's rubbed off on me. Whenever I need a pickup, it's there for me. And I know you need it right now."

An extra tear slides down my face, but not of grief. The music seemed to touch my soul, and so did Joel's kind gestures.

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust

Could He really make a beautiful thing out of me?

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

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