24: Purely Fate

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I couldn't believe we were going to do this. As I walked into the school, whispers and giggles floated around me, nearly strangling me. Joel stayed close to my side. Cleo and Leo weren't yet at school and Vivi was off posting the note, so I didn't have them for additional support.

My stomach was jumbled with knots as I walked towards my locker. Yet, excitement also flooded through me. This could be the end. Luca was going to get what he deserved, right?

Joel opened his mouth to speak, but I already knew what his question would have been.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

He seemed to scrutinize me, his eyes scanning up and down my shorter frame. Finally, he sighed and let it go. I wasn't sure if he believed me or was too groggy to argue. Either way worked for me.

Joel had to walk to his own locker, which was not in the same area as mine. So, I feigned a smile and waved him off, yanking open my locker and exchanging my books and belongings.

As I was about to close my locker and head to class, it was slammed shut for me. For a minute, I stood still, listening for the chatter of voices or anything to signal witnesses were around.

Nothing. The hallway was so silent my own breaths nearly echoed off the walls and tile.

"Hey, Connie," a familiar voice sneered, causing a chill to rush down my spine. I was frozen by both shock and fear, my heart racing faster  than a race car could. I hoped I would never have to hear that voice again.

But, then, something in me snapped. I wouldn't be controlled by him any longer. "What do you want?" I hissed, whirling around to face my ex boyfriend. He was, sadly, handsome as ever, but maybe not as much as Joel. At least, Joel surpassed him in personality by a long shot.

"I just, you know, wanted to come by and see how you were doing."

I found myself laughing. "Yeah, that's cool. I'm good, peace out." Anger coursed through me so much that my body started to shake.

His fingers snaked around my arm and yanked me back, pinning me against the locker. His foul breath infiltrated my senses and I felt like gagging.

"Oh, so you think you can just walk away from the mess you've created, huh?"

"Where's Christie? Does she know you're here?" I felt like taking a bold step. I mean, what was the most this dirtbag could do to me?

He shoved me harder against the lockers, the metal digging into my flesh.  "Don't even mention her. Not after everything you've done to us."

"You know," I seethed, buried anger rising to the surface, "I've moved away from you! I've no contact! What else could I possibly do to please you?"

He stepped away for a second, but stayed close enough that he could restrain me from running off. He tapped his chin in mock thought and proceeded to roll his eyes. "I don't know. Maybe you could stop pestering my buddy Luca and his girlfriend. You bring trouble everywhere you go, don't you? Actually, why don't you just die. Yeah, that's what it would take to please me."

"Well, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm no longer here to please you."

His expression shifted from agitated to livid. "Listen here. I don't care if you want to please me or not. But, as long as I'm here, you're not going to get away with your schemes anymore."

"If you want the 101 on schemes, ask Luca," I spat, spit actually landing on his nose. "Otherwise, go home. You have no business being here. I have people that actually support me now. I'm happy here, and I'm so sorry if you're not."

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