01: I'm So Sorry

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Tears pricked my eyes as I pushed open the door. Determination burned through me like a wild fire. The sound of chatter attacked my ears. I shoved through countless students idly conversing while positioning themselves right in the middle of the hallway. My locker was in sight, one of my best friends already leaning against it. As soon as she spotted my slumped and distraught figure, she perked up and rushed over to me.

Christie crushed me in one of her famous hugs, her slightly chubby arms tightly wrapping around my average frame. She smelt like coconuts and cosmetics, per usual. Once she pulled away, her light blue eyes were filled with concern and blazing anger. Slightly fearful, I took a step away from her. She tugged at her lose ponytail, blonde strands spilling down to her waist. As she opened her mouth to speak, she began arranging her hair onto of her head. It was her way of copping, of calming herself in stressful situations. I wasn't sure how she knew, as I was saving today to tell each of my three best friends. I also wasn't sure why her eyes were ablaze with anger that seemed to radiate off her body. Anger and concern seemed to battle for dominance.

"I can't believe she'd do that to you, Connie!" Christie finally exclaimed in one rush of breath. She tied her Scrunchie around her messy bun before letting out a breath. "Really, it's not fair! You're such a great friend and were an amazing girlfriend!"

My eyebrows furrowed as confusion flooded me like a torrential downpour. "She? Friend? What?" I tightly crossed my arms across my chest.

Her own eyebrows peaked up, her eyes widened and mouth forming the shape of a Cheerio. "Y- you didn't know?"

I walked past her to my locker, which I proceeded to yank open. "I know Josh broke up with me, Chris. How on Earth do you?"

My best friend leaned against the locker beside me, hers, with sullen eyes. "Macy told me."

I let out a breath, attempting to calm myself down. "How did she know?"

She squeezed her eyes shut. "Tasha told her."

I stared at the cluttered interior of my locker. Tasha and Macy were always closest to each other, telling each other every dirty little secret. I guess Christie and I were the same way, yet the four of us all claimed to be best friends. "How on Earth did she know?"

Christie let out a nervous breath, her hands twitching as she resisted the urge to mess with her hair. "He broke up with you for Natasha, Con. I'm so sorry."

In an instant, my locker slammed shut with such force it rattled the whole unit. After taking a deep breath, I leaned my head against the cold blue exterior. "You're positive about this?"

"Yes. Con-"

"Connie, are you okay?" Macy hesitantly cut Christie off.

My eyes snapped to her, and finally the traitor beside her. We all had blue eyes, as that's what brought us together. Difference was theirs were all icy while mine were deep sea blue. Macy's light orange hair was wavy and puffy, resting just above her breasts. Tasha's straight inky hair rested below her bum. I could tell why someone would want to date her. A dominant yet sweet girl with looks to die for, her closest friend a shy girl who lives to settle matters peacefully. Pale little Macy was like a spray bottle full of water while Tasha was a bright blaze.

Tasha's hand flew to her hip, eyes wide and lips trembling. "Connie, I'm so sorry! We just really liked each other and- and I begged him to end it with you if he didn't really like you because it was wrong to string you along!" She breathlessly rambled, Macy trembling at her side.

I slipped on a feigned smile, taking a step forward while Tasha stumbled one back. "Tasha, we're all friends here, right?" I tried to convince myself. I knew I probably sounded ominous and evil. Really, I was attempting to keep calm, to not lose my head over something as pity as a boy. "Look, to be blunt, I'm really hurt."

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