EnTrY eiGhTeeN

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The next day, Pj shook me awake and dragged me outside the trailer, where Chris was waiting.
We were behind a small building painted white, and the crisp air smelled of water. I felt the white sun against my face and I briefly shut my eyes, inhaling deeply.
"Where...where are we?" I asked, my voice strained. Dried blood cracked around my lips when I spoke, and a shudder went through me.
"Brighton." Pj put his hands behind his head and stretched. "Since the power died here a couple of decades back, maybe in the twenties or thirties, I thought that we could just..." He looked down, at a loss for words.
"We could stay here," Chris finished Pj's thought, doing his best to smile even though his eyes were red with sleep, "together. Start over and forget about everything."
I blinked and looked back and forth between the two of them.
"Pj..." I said quietly. "What about all your drawings and things? And your house..."
He held up a hand. "Don't worry about me. Everyone lives in New London or America these days. There's probably a billion things here in this town I can scavenge together."
I swallowed and then instantly began to cry.
"Dan..." Chris said. "This might be insensitive but Pj and I need you to do us a favor at the moment."
I blinked through tears. "Wh-what?"
"Take off your shirt."
I almost choked. "Bloody hell Chris, what?"
"Dan please, it's really bothering me..."
I swore, wiping the tears off my face, and took off my shirt.
Before I could say anything else, I saw Chris lift a hose and point it straight at me.
I yelped and cursed over and over again as cold water sprayed at me. My face, legs, chest, hands. But then I realized that Chris was simply washing all of the blood away.
As soon as I knew that, I just stood there under the water and started crying again.
A weight was lifted off of my shoulders.
Even if I could still feel that monster's lips against mine, his hands on my skin...
The water stopped.
"Chris, Jesus!" I screamed, laughing and sobbing simultaneously. "You could have warned me!"
Chris instantly dropped the hose and wrapped his arms around me, laughing. Pj soon began to laugh too. All of us stood there together, sopping wet.
I was going to be okay.
The three of us would all be okay.


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