enTrY fiFtEeN

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I blinked at my phone, suddenly aware of my own breathing. It got faster instantly, and I had to focus to keep inhaling and exhaling.
"Wh...what?" I whispered.
I felt the invisible hands on my shoulders, almost pushing them down.
"whY dO yOU tRUsT hIM¿"
I continued to clean, keeping my phone in my hand and gritting my teeth.
"He's my father," I breathed, "why wouldn't I?"
"he iS a SNAKE."
"How do you even know him? Phil; you're scaring me."
"hE wAs oNe oF tHE scIeNTisTs tHaT maDe mE. DISCARDED mE."
I stopped what I was doing and slid down against my wall, putting my hands in my hair and resting the phone on the ground in front of me.
"No, Phil," I squeaked, tasting bile, "he's a good person. I swear. He's a bit icy, but he's my father."
"dAn. dO yOU nOt loVe mE?¿"
I swallowed, my heart instantly slowing to a normal rate.
"Of course I do."
"anD yOu wOulD dO AnYThinG foR mE?"
I felt the hands on my waist.
"Of course I would."
"gOOd. tHeN iT iS seTtLEd."
"What is?" I asked, picking the phone back up from the ground and staring at the screen.
"yOu wILL sEe."

A/N: HEY YALL!! I'm so sorry how short this is but I'm building up to the big ending 😁

!bE pReParED¡

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