ENTry fOurTEeN

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"Mum," I sputtered out the words, "Dad. Uh..." I stepped back and extended my arm, gesturing for them to enter. "Yeah, yes. Yes, of course."
My parents walked I and I gently shut the door behind him, starting to sweat. I was panicking.
My mum looked the same as ever. Curly brown hair, complete with streaks of silver, pulled back into a short ponytail. She wore a gray sweater over a button up white blouse and black slacks. She carried her heels in hand, probably had trouble walking up all the stairs, and a...a suitcase in the other.
My father looked even more angry and gruff than the last time I had seen him. His gray hair was parted to the side and nearly combed, a thin layer of stubble went along his square jaw, and his gray eyes were like angry storm clouds.
I gave my mom a hug and then stood back, looking at my dad. At least I had achieved the height advantage, me being the tall noodle that I was.
"What brings you both here?" I scratched the back of my neck beneath the hoodie, careful not to tug on the wires.
"Well, Daniel," My father replied in his low voice, "we got a call from your friend Paul-"
"Pj." I downcast my eyes, regretting the correction.
"And Paul told us," he continued with narrowed eyes that made me feel small all over again, "that you've been acting strange."
"He wouldn't tell us much," my mum said, "but he did say something about how you've been a bit tied up with a new machine. So, we decided to stay with you for a bit. If that's alright."
I swallowed. Dammit Pj...everything was going absolutely fine with Phil and I and now we had company. But, then again, my dad was a scientist before he retired. He might have an interest in Phil.
I opened my mouth to answer and saw my dad glaring at me. "No" wasn't allowed to be an answer.
"Of course!" I said with an awkward smile. "Uh, you two can take my room I'll have the couch. Give me a minute."
I went to my bedroom door but paused.
"Honey," my mom said as she set down her heels and suit case, "where's your toilet?"
"Oh," I said, a nervous laugh escaping my lips, "you'll have to use one down the hall. Mine doesn't work. I usually use the third door down."
My mom nodded, glancing at my dad with worried eyes, before heading out the door again.
I disappeared into my bedroom and shut the door, leaving my dad to do as he wished. Hopefully, he didn't venture into the bathroom.
I quickly started picking things up from the floor and tossing them into the closet. I took my tattered eclipse t-shirt and used it to wipe dust from all the surfaces and wipe smudges from the floor.
I suddenly felt Phil's hands against my chest and I suppressed a laugh.
"What?" I whispered. My phone buzzed in response and I lifted it to look at it.
I almost choked.
"yOuR faTHeR haSnT chAnGed a BiT."

A/N: Dun dun DUUUUN
Today's gorgeous chapter header belongs to art.of.lavender on Instagram!
Go give them some love!


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