enTrY thIrtEeN

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There we were, laying upon the ground with the red light shining down on us. Phil was laying on his back, his knees bent and pointing to the sky. My head against his chest, listening to the silence where a heartbeat should be. My arms reached up across his chest and collar to settle around his neck, and my knees were bent ever so slightly in front of Phil's feet.
My eyes still closed, I laughed lightly when I felt the unseen hands settle on my feet, then travel all the way up my side until they were at my shoulders.
"I love you, Phil." I whispered.
Phil, asleep, suddenly glitched into his alternate form. He sat up quickly, looking down at me.
I opened my eyes in puzzlement and sat up as well.
"What's wrong?" I said, leaning foreword to kiss him again.
"Dan," he said in the soft, worry-filled voice, his blue eyes filled with fear, "Dan, you have to be careful."
"Stop freaking yourself out." I leaned foreword again, closing my eyes.
Phil glitched back into his normal form and reached foreword to rest his hands around my shoulders, leaning to kiss me back, but instantly he changed again.
Blue eyed Phil rapidly got to his feet, breathing heavily. His fists were clenched and little white pixels dripped down his face. He was trying to stay intact.
"Okay," I said with a small laugh, standing up, "what is going on?"
"I," Phil's began to twitch, his eyes ever so slowly going red, "I can't say anything in detail or...or bad things will happen to you Dan. I don't want that."
"Bad things?" I shook my head. "Phil loves me."
The other Phil smiled sadly. "Has he ever told you that?"
I stopped, my eyes narrowing. "Look, I know that this side of you is all paranoid and crap. I don't know what happened to you before but you don't matter anymore, alright?"
"I'm trying to help you."
"Well stop helping."
The blue eyed Phil sighed one last time before turning back into his ordinary, sharp-toothed form.
"Dan," he said, looking ever so slightly afraid, "Dan don't listen to them, okay? I'm here for you."
"I know, you dingus." I rolled my eyes and stepped foreword, kissing him. My fingers ran through his hair as his settled around my shoulders.
Suddenly, he pulled away.
"Someone's here. At your door."
"What?" I exclaimed. "Can you see who?"
Phil shook his head. "But you had better go."
I nodded. I kissed him one last time, his sharp grin wide and abnormal, before leaving the world.
I removed the wires quickly as I could and slid the tub of water beneath the desk where it could be seen.
I put on a different shirt, as this one was now a bit shredded by claw marks, and pulled a hoodie over my shoulders to hide the wires.
There was a knock against my door, and I ran to answer it.
"Hey Chris," I said, opening it, "what's-"
But it wasn't Chris.
"Hello Daniel," my father said, "mind if your mother and I come in?"

A/N: The calm before the storm...
Today's header was created by shizukaaoi on Instagram! Go give them some love

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